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Events: America

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Incensed by leaks that have come from within his own inner circle, President Donald Trump is about to take the gloves off in a purge of White House advisers that could begin as early as today.

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At the end of April, we observed that "The Retail Bubble Has Now Burst" noting that "A Record 8,640 Stores Are Closing In 2017." We discussed that while there are many reason for this troubling collapse of one of the anchor industries underpinning Am

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When President Donald Trump fired James Comey as director of the FBI on Tuesday, the move immediately sparked controversy. Some saw in the dismissal an attempt to hinder the FBI's investigation into possible ties between Russia and his presidential

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The President is very much a figurehead - he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the

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Police began to patrol the neighborhood around 11 p.m. on Saturday, April 29, 2017. There was a report of a dispute at a house party in the Dallas, Texas suburb of Balch Springs.

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WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT...Tiffani Grey for The Conservative Tribune reports, This is a very special day from President Trump. This morning Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Charlie Munger went on FOX News and dropped the kind of bombshell the Left fears m

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Back when we were in school we heard the question a million times: "What are you going to be when you grow up?" Some of us had an answer, others were undecided, some had no idea. But we all assumed that the question could be answered.

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Al Gore wants to reverse modernity and save the world from itself through an elimination of its fossil-fuel-based energy system. During the final week of April, his newly created Energy Transitions Commission released a document setting forth a fool'

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