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Events: America

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We live in a world where our television "programming" these days literally counts people down into the broadcast with flickering lights and fast spinning graphics so intricate, there's no way someone's conscious mind is taking it all in. The

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President Donald Trump's first full budget would dramatically reduce the U.S. government's role in society, hitting hard many of the rural, working-poor supporters who propelled him into office as he cuts through the safety net for the poor and d

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The 2016 presidential campaign was a certainly joy to behold. Angry Republicans, various factions like a confused herd of cats, early signs of "symbols as language" to provide that basic clarity the party craved (Jeb!) but would be denied excep

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It should be clear to all reasoning people with the ability for critical thinking that a pattern of cultural warfare has been unfolding against the Western world since at least the end of World War Two. The contrast between what was then and what is

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Right now, the City of New Orleans, which has been removing statues of Confederate generals, will is taking down the last one: a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee that has stood over Lee Circle, near the French Quarter, since 1884.

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After President Trump's surprise firing of FBI Director James Comey, the flurry of comparisons to President Nixon started to fly. But the comparison could just as easily have been made to Trump's intentions toward criminal justice.

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In the latest sign of mission creep in domestic deployment of battlefield-strength surveillance technology, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) earlier this year used a cell site simulator (CSS) to locate and arrest an undocumented immigra

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Imagine if a third of your family died of the plague as religious fanatics preached "The end is nigh!" and threatened that the few pleasures you could squeeze out of life would lead to your eternal damnation. As wars raged around you, surrounded