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Events: America

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Trump said that he would drain the swamp and much to the surprise of his detractors, he appears committed to his campaign pledges. Comey's unceremonious but well-deserved firing was a warning shot across the bow, and it appears that former National

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Parents, taxpayers and donors have little idea of the levels of lunacy, evil and lawlessness that have become features of many of today's institutions of higher learning. Parents, taxpayers and donors who ignore or are too lazy to find out what goe

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After the Boston Herald published an article claiming that scientists, journalists and naturopaths who oppose injecting children with mercury should be "hanged to death," all hell broke loose for the Herald and its editor, Rachelle Cohen.

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President Trump's decision to fire FBI Director James Comey has sparked a massive political backlash, and the White House has scrambled to come up with several different narratives to explain the decision.

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For many inside the liberty movement the need to convert the devout statist is an instinct that burns with righteous conviction. It is with frustration that one can observe so many recent and distant examples of government horror and yet nothing ever

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President Donald Trump is not exactly known for his self-restraint. The recent firing of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey was not handled with any delicacy and has unleashed a firestorm of criticism coming from across the po

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On Friday, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent a directive to US Federal Prosecutors to pursue the most severe penalties possible for drug infractions, even if it triggers large mandatory minimum sentences. Like the drug war itself, this new/old a

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Melissa Dykes uncovers the documented history of media cooperation with psychological operations personnel. CNN in particular has a questionable record - including Anderson Cooper who interned at the CIA - that should have everyone doubting its c
