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Events: America

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Barack Obama campaigned for the presidency in 2008 as a peace candidate. He signaled that he would fundamentally change America's course after the reckless carnage unleashed by the George W. Bush administration. However, by the end of Obama's pre

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The New York Times of Sunday July 16 brought chilling new evidence that Trump attorney general Jeff Sessions, in direct contradiction of the position stated by Donald J Trump when he was a candidate, plans a federal crackdown on marijuana in the 29 s

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The longest serving Speaker of the House (1999-2007) John Dennis Hastert - was just released from federal prison. He was indicted by a federal grand jury for evading bank laws in 2015. He structured withdrawls from different bank accounts as part o

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In his speech yesterday to the National District Attorneys Association, US Attorney General Jeff Session promised much more civil asset forfeiture, a bigger drug war, and longer mandatory prison terms. He is turning the authoritarianism up to "11."

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As most everyone knows, federal spending and federal debt are out of control. The feds continue to spend far more than they take in with federal taxes. The excess of federal spending over federal taxes is called the deficit. The deficit this year is

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Description:They walk among us. On the outside. they're just like you and me, but on the inside they are unfeeling automatons who care only for themselves. They are the psychopaths, and they are in control of our governments, our corporations, our

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The hammer is set to drop on former President Barack Obama administration insiders -- and the indictments will start with Susan Rice, the head of the National Security Agency during the illegal "unmasking" of the Trump campaign. That's accord

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On Tuesday morning, House Republicans released a fiscal 2018 budget plan that will pose the next major political test for President Donald Trump's legislative agenda by combining tax reform with controversial spending cuts. While unlikely, the spendi

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Victims of illegal immigration tell their heartbreaking stories while meeting with President Trump. This is why wee need to end sanctuary cities, build the wall, and deport the criminal illegal aliens that have invaded the United States of America. I