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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Top 6 Executive decisions President Trump could make that would finally transform...


(Natural News) Everybody is "up in arms" about the new healthcare bill proposal and whether it's better, worse or just more of the same chronic punishment doled out by Obamacare. Any way you slice it and "draw it up," it's just more chronic sick care management that never seems to cure anything, but rather drives more disease and disorder. What a shame. Why bother getting caught up in the unaffordable Ponzi frenzy?

Americans have already been hoodwinked by Obama on several fronts. He swore he'd label GMOs, but instead green-lighted even more Frankenfood. Obama swore that with Obamacare, you could "keep your doctor," but we all know that was a huge lie. Instead of petitioning Trump to fix the unfixable healthcare scheme, why don't we all push for legislation that would actually help fix the health of Americans, instead of arguing over the cost and convenience of doctors who prescribe symptom cover-up medications, deadly chemotherapy, and costly diagnostics in hospitals full of superbugs?

America is a great country, to be sure, but we definitely have major problems with the food, water and medicine. Surely, not everything is ever going to be perfect, but if US citizens could all push for similar, reasonable and most importantly, effective, reform then maybe "change" would actually mean something, instead of just shifting around all the foxes that are guarding the hen houses.

Write a letter or start a petition for Trump to write legislation that would transform American health

#1. Label GMOs – Trump serves organic food in his hotel restaurants and we're told he's a healthy man, especially for his age (compared to most seniors). Since Trump is not controlled by corporations or in major debt to Monsanto for campaign contributions, like Hitlery would have been, there is hope that Trump could force the FDA to do what 90 percent of Americans are already interested in – and that is label genetically modified foods.

#2. Have the FDA ban all television advertising of prescription drugs – Since 1997, when TV ads for big pharma chemical drugs were first legalized, prescription drug use has skyrocketed along with deaths from the use of those drugs, even when taken "as prescribed." People are more apt to ask for products they see relentlessly propagandized on television, and prescription quack drugs are no exception. If President Trump used his executive powers over the FDA to have them ban pharma ads, he would not only cripple and bankrupt fake news like CNN and MSNBC, but he would save millions of Americans from untested, unsafe, experimental drugs that are unfortunately legal and plastered across the media today.

#3. Limit food stamp (SNAP) use to organic food – Sure, this one will most likely never happen, but it's a great idea and it could be done. The cold hard truth is that most people on food assistance use that credit to buy junk food that perpetually causes chronic disease and disorder.

#4. Legalize cannabis oil (CBD) across the nation (no prescriptions necessary) – CBD oil has been heralded for putting a stop to epileptic seizures, curing symptoms of autism, and even curing terminal cancer in children after prescription "big pharma" drugs failed miserably. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, tests CBD extracts rigorously at his CWC Labs, which is an independent lab and is ISO-certified for 100 percent authenticity.