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The Science Behind The Crossfade: Mixing Alcohol And Marijuana


Combining depressant and liberating qualities can produce strange effects.

Credit: Pixabay

Who hasn't smoked a bowl before going to a pub with friends? Or paused between drinks to roll a joint? If you answered yes to one – or both – question(s) then you know sometimes you can either get really buzzed by this combination, or sometimes experience almost no effect.

Dr. Scott Lukas, professor of psychiatry and pharmacology at Harvard Medical School guided two classic studies about this genuine crossfade. One was published in 1992 under the title "Marihuana attenuates the rise in plasma ethanol levels in human subjects", while the other was published in 2001 and called "Ethanol increases plasma Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels and subjective effects after marihuana smoking in human volunteers".

Combining depressant and liberating qualities can produce strange effects.