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Events: America

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Something strange is happening to MSNBC. The information they present as news is just pure fiction, or social justice warrior insanity. Have a look, and you'll see some serious problems! Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

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Sometimes, all you need to win is a big move that injects enough momentum to reach the finishing line. The Golden State Warriors proved that by bringing in former Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant to join with Steph Curry to bring home another

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White House Communications Director Sean Spicer has resigned, so as not to interfere with the work of the new employees responsible for contacts with the press. Financier Anthony Scaramucci has been appointed as the new Director - perhaps, his relati

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There's this term in the processed food industry for when something is quantifiably at its most delicious, but also–critically–still unsatisfying enough that you always crave more. It's called the bliss point, and it's what ensures that you

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Cyber Security Expert John McAfee was scheduled to appear at FreedomFest over the weekend but was hospitalized prior to the event. Reports on Social Media are beginning to indicate that he was attacked.

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You're watching CNN? Why? Why would you ever do that? ???????????????????????????????? Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

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Is it folly to hold cash right now? Or brilliant? Have you moved a material percentage of your financial portfolio to cash? Have you become so concerned about the meteoric ramp upwards in asset prices that you find it wiser instead to move to the sid

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On a recent episode of "Jay Leno's Garage," the retired comedian and late night show host showed off a luxury sports car that is made out of cannabis. Although many of the cars on the show are a part of Leno's massive collection, this particu

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The state is deciding who is fit to be parents, keeping parents from treating their sick kids, and arresting parents if their kids skip school. Oh but don't worry about that smart device in the home. All that info it's collecting on your kids cou

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Conflicts are inevitable when a city wide government is also beholden to a larger state. In the United States, it is even worse. Local, state, and federal governments claim control of the same land -not to mention individual land owners.