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Events: America

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Cable television has long been the coveted propaganda arm used to program American sentiments. But because of the internet, viewer choice for news, sports, and entertainment has proliferated. Content is becoming decentralized, and that makes it harde

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Donald Trump let an 11-year-old boy Frank Giaccio mows the White House lawn after writing a letter to the president about his local lawn mowing business in Falls Church, Virginia, where the kid mows his neighbors lawns for $8.00.

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Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reminded Congress that in matters of war, they have the authority and the responsibility to speak for the American people. Most Senators were not too happy about the reminder, which came in the form of a forced vot

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What kind of America are we leaving our children? This can best be summed up in the following: 1984 has arrived complete withe police state surveillance, mayhem and murder. America is well on its way to becoming the most prolific police state in all

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After entrepreneur Joe Meyer sold his mapping startup, HopStop, to Apple in 2013, the recruiters started calling. It was nice to feel in demand, but there was a problem: He didn't want any of the jobs they had to offer. After working on mapping for

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(Natural News) For some time now, Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show has been reporting on strange events taking place in Northern Colorado. Last year, before the presidential election, Hodges reported on sightings of foreign mercenaries and elite

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Nothing about Jamie Dimon's anti-Bitcoin explosion ("Bitcoin is a fraud") made sense. The timing was weird. After all, Bitcoin has proven itself the world over since its first proof-of-concept back in October 2009. There was no real news out th

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After 40 years of booze illegality, Iran is getting hit with a dose of reality. Iranian officials are discovering that laws that criminalize the possession or consumption of alcohol do not work. According to an article in the Washington Post, public