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Alex Jones Gets Jump On Megyn Kelly - Leaks Recordings "To Set The Record Straight"


After NBC's Megyn Kelly lied to Alex Jones about the scope and purpose of an upcoming Father's Day airing of his sit-down interview for Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly, the Infowars host set the record straight on Thursday night - preempting Kelly's segment with 'leaked' recordings of their conversations before she could smear Jones on Sunday.

The Setup

As Jones and Kelly began to discuss the details of the NBC interview, Kelly played the part of earnest lawyer turned plucky journalist - batting her eyelashes and insisting her new show was about profiling 'interesting people' so the public can get to know them better.

I'm trying to create a different kind of program. I'll ask you about some of the controversies, of course, and you'll say what you want to say. But it's not going to be some 'gotcha' hit-piece, I promise you that.

I just want to talk about you. I want people to know you.

Of course I'm going to do a fair interview - I'm going to be me, you know, I'm not going to go out there and be a Barbara Walters... you just trust me.

-Megyn Kelly


In a highly edited promo released ahead of Sunday's airing, Kelly made it clear that she was gunning for Jones, and was about to twist the Infowars host's coverage of the Sandy Hook massacre into the centerpiece of an attempt at character assassination. In response to Kelly's promo, both Alex Jones and the families of Sandy Hook victims urged Kelly to scrap the interview, while JP Morgan and other advertisers pulled spots scheduled to air during the segment.

Kelly has instead defended the interview, issuing an inflammatory statement that Jones' 'Sandy Hook hoax claim' is 'revolting.' In fact, the New York Post reports that Kelly has doubled down and 'completely overhauled' the interview, re-editing it to be 'tougher' on Jones and inviting Sandy Hook families on the program.

Preemptive Strike

When Jones suspected the interview might be a hit-job, he began recording conversations with Kelly - and to that end, released a 30 minute video on Thursday night featuring a behind the scenes look at their pre-interview encounter and provides context to Jones' claims.

Megyn Kelly waltzed in here in Austin, Texas, and told me that she wasn't going to talk about Sandy Hook, she wasn't going to talk about Pizzagate, she wasn't going to talk about Chobani, she wasn't going to talk about Islamic terror attacks - that she wanted to do a softball profile of Alex Jones. And when she got here with her crew of intelligence operatives, she did the opposite of what she said. And so I was recording the whole time.