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Article Image, Laura

We've been keeping a close eye on Hungary over the last few years, as, while other European nations have prioritised mass immigration in order to offset their declining birth rates, Hungary have refused; instead choosing to renew themselves spiritu


But needed to visit the outhouse. Can you imagine a young kid with boots, trudging through three feet of snow to get to the outhouse in the dead of night? Only the yard light gave me an indication of the location of the outhouse in the middle of the

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The Organic Prepper by Sandra Lane

It's the second week in November, and for many, the holidays are upon us. Shopping has already begun for little things, more than a few stores seem to have forgotten Thanksgiving altogether and, by the end of this month, Black Friday will darken ma

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By CJay Engel Bastion Magazine

It is a peculiar characteristic of modern man to think in terms of changing the world, either in triumph over our sinful past or in some grand return to better days. In a world dominated by the political, when all things are related in one way or ano