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G.C. Dilsaver for

Why do we have the breakup of the family? It is because the family has been supplanted by the State (and the corporation). In actuality families have absolutely no rights in the United States, indeed, children can be taken from the home on mere suspi

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USA Today

The number of parents, siblings and other relatives who live with adult heads of households grew 42% from 2000 to 2007, according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

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So typical--a TV ad portraying women as attractive and alluring is "sexist," but men and fathers can be made to look like idiot husbands and bad fathers all day long and that's not sexist. Of course not--after all, men have everything a

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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"Biden says in family policy, 'Moms and kids come first.' For nearly two decades Biden has put fathers last." My new co-authored column, Biden Selection is Bad News for America's Fathers (San Jose Mercury-News, 9/2/08), discu

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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"The dad vs. stepdad debate is no mere academic question, but instead an issue which has serious ramifications in family law. Advocates of sole or primary custody for mothers often insist that children do fine with 'father-figures' inste

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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If the Democratic Party is interested in garnering men ’s votes, one certainly would not know it from their platform. The Democratic National Committee’s "Renewing America's Promise" is bad news for American fathers.

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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"As a major currency for international reserve, the dramatic depreciation of the dollar has lead to shrinking national reserve of many countries and reduced social welfare," China's ambassador to the WTO, Sun Zhenyu, said.

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The Dalls Voice

After making a comment on the Oklahoma House of Representatives floor that "the homsexual agenda" posed a bigger threat to America than terrorists, state legislator Sally Kern may have a gay son.

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Arizona CHANGE

The children are shown pledging idolatry to an effigy of Bush placed before an American Flag, and are made to speak in tongues and chant a loyalty oath.

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shipley

If you have children or been around children for any length of time, you know you can expect most anything at anytime to come out of a kid's mouth. Sometime what young kids say can be inspiring, up lifting, brutally honest, frightening, wise beyo

Entered By: Greg Slaughter