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Operation Rescue

A pro-life activist gunned down this morning as he peacefully held a picture of a baby with the word “Life” outside a high school in Owosso, Michigan. The victim is Jim Pouillon, a well known activist in the Owosso area and a friend of Operation Rescue.

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The Italian tourist, a 48-year-old businessman, was arrested on 2 September in the coastal city of Fortaleza, in the north-east of Brazil, where he was on holiday with his wife and daughter.

He was reported to the police by a Brazilian couple who claimed he had been touching a young girl inappropriately and had kissed her on the mouth while they were both at a swimming pool close to the beach in full view of other tourists.

It appears the couple who made the allegations did not know that the man was with his daughter.


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The fate of a 17-year-old girl who ran away from her Ohio home because she says she feared punishment for converting from Islam to Christianity could be decided in an Orlando courtroom today.

An Orlando judge was scheduled to hear arguments about whether Rifqa Bary should stay in state custody in Florida or be returned to her family in Columbus, Ohio.


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Pro Liberate

"Grab some clothes and get into the van, now."

For an instant, that directive, and the tone in which it was issued, had the opposite of its intended effect: Korrin and our five older children, momentarily paralyzed by shock, looked at me in alarm. There was something in both the tone of my voice, and the expression on my face, that was new and a little frightening. None of them had seen my "game face" before. They were seeing it now.

Just seconds earlier, Korrin and I had been confronted on our doorstep by two very nice, well-dressed women who informed us that an anonymous "child endangerment" complaint had been filed with the Child Protective Services.

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Town Hall

Budgets are moral documents. Federal funding should reflect the priorities and the values of the majority of the American people. This is the Constitutional duty of each Member of Congress, and a responsibility not to be taken lightly, especially in difficult economic times. This week, the House of Representatives will consider the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2010, the bill that provides funding for the budgets of the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Title X of the HHS budget is the Family Planning program. And while there are undeniably positive things happening at federally funded clinics nationwide as a result of this money, there is a disturbing loophole contained within this funding program more.....

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Women who say they don't need a man may well be right – after human sperm was created in the lab.

The breakthrough could give hope to infertile couples and men left unable to have children after having cancer treatment.

But don't worry guys, the scientists who created the sperm using stem cells don't plan to take you out of the baby-making process just yet.

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AZ Central

As the recession lingers, some Phoenix-area residents are shifting attention from their financial troubles, including falling home values and shrinking retirement savings, to stockpiling food and ammo. They worry the economic turmoil could lead to skyrocketing inflation, food scarcity, even violence. To prepare, they are forming social-networking groups to discuss how to store grains, purify water, plant gardens and, if needed, shoot guns.

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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When:  Saturday, June 13, 2009, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Sports Peppers Grill 1606 E. Bell Road  (located on the NEC of 12th Street/Bell Road) Phoenix, Arizona  85022
(602) 482-4433
Dancing is one of John Stuart's passions in life and he is very good at it.  Because of his State incurred legal problem he has been unable to earn a living.  This is a fundraiser to help John out with his legal costs and living expenses for everything he has been, and is, going through.  Food is

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I'm often asked what I think the Obama presidency will mean for fathers. I think there are some reasons to be optimistic and some reasons to be pessimistic. Below I list a bunch of them, not in any particular order. Positive: Obama clearly u

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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I've long criticized the Single Motherhood by Choice movement for ignoring the importance of fathers and the two-parent family. To learn more about the problems with the Single Motherhood by Choice movement, see my co-authored column Are Single M

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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Written By:

For those of you who are in my age group (over 70) and who live in the colder portions of the country, perhaps this “trip down memory lane” will bring back some fond memories.  December ' a poem by John "from Minnesota" As

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Lying is now considered simple corporate policy. In that way it dovetails neatly with government policy. But you have a natural right to the truth reinforced by the First Amendment to the Constitution. This year give Truth for Christmas

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I've often discussed the issue of the rights of lesbian “social mothers”–women who agreed to employ a sperm donor so that they could have children with their lesbian partners, who are the biological mothers. I do believe that children fare bes

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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The reasoning cited is the "ill effects of second-hand smoke". As opposed to the "ill effects" of not having a f%king family, which is so much more minor in comparison.

News Link • Global Reported By Chip Saunders