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Yesterday, March 1, 2017, was my father's 110th birthday anniversary. Dad was born March 1, 1907--the same year that "The Duke" John Wayne was born. The 6'4" Duke passed away in 1979; my 5'6" father passed away in 1993.

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J. Neil Schulman

I became, first, a photographer, then a writer, then a filmmaker, because I did not learn to play the violin like my father, Julius Schulman.

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Conversations with young parents nearly always leave me horrified over the childcare expenses they're forced to pay. Recently, I was informed by a young man that he and his wife pay $225 per week for day care. (For one child.) Furthermore, this is

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The Barack Obama Justice and Education departments have declared that all public schools be required to institute gender-neutral bathrooms where boys can freely enter girls' bathrooms and vice versa. Failure to comply threatens federal funding. But

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Tuesday, May 3, was my 64th birthday. Accordingly, it is time for my annual "Personal" column. I think it only fair that readers should have an opportunity to learn a little something about the person who writes the words they read. Today's col
