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The Right Perspective

This Saturday’s Senate vote on National health care for America looks likely to turn into a long, drawn-out bloodbath as all 40 of the Republicans in the chamber have vowed to filibuster the bill. Olympia Snowe will fillibuster Even moderate Republ

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Democrats in the U.S. Senate geared up for a fierce battle over a new healthcare reform plan on Thursday as Republicans condemned the bill's price tag and tax hikes before the first crucial test vote on Saturday. Senate Democratic leader Harry Rei

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Schiff Report Video Blog 11/19/09 Also check me out on and Schiff Report Video Blog 11/19/09 Also check me out on and

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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This is the real story of Canadian Lin Gilbert, diagnosed with debilitating back pain, ignored for over 2 years, and then mercifully helped by a heroic doctor. If Obama Care passes, could Lin's story be yours?

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Financial Times

The House of Representatives this month passed a healthcare reform bill that would sharply curtail access to abortion. Several Democrats in the Senate have said they want similar restrictions in their own bill. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in

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The Chinese are curious about how President Obama's healthcare reform plans would impact America’s huge fiscal deficit. Government officials are using his Asian trip as an opportunity to ask the White House questions. Detailed questions.

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Josh Eboch

The Campaign for Liberty has stepped to the plate big time in Virginia, getting out ahead of the feds and finding a sponsor for the Virginia Health Care Freedom Act, to be introduced in 2010.

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Boldin
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Worldnet Daily

AARP's Nov. 5 health bill endorsement left many seniors wondering why the powerful group that claims to represent their interests would call for an estimated $500 billion in cuts to Medicare, a system many seniors have indicated that they would like

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Former President Bill Clinton knows just how high the political stakes are in the fight to overhaul America's health care system. His failed attempt to revamp the delivery of medical care contributed to the Republican takeover of the House and Sen

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The Food and Drug Administration said Friday that it has warned several companies to stop selling banned flavored cigarettes to U.S. consumers online. The agency sent letters this week to more than a dozen Web-based companies saying they are violatin