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Wall Street Journal

What Doctors and Patients Have to Lose Under ObamaCare. Changes to Medicare will give the feds control of surgical decisions. Democrats are touting the American Medical Association's endorsement of President Obama's health plan. But there's an im

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Yesterday, David discussed the CBO's miscalculation regarding the Senate health care bill. Democrats had been insisting that bill somehow cut the deficit and strengthened Medicare, but as it turns out the CBO had to clarify that the savings of the b

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Thursday to reinvent the nation’s health care system, passing a bill to guarantee access to health insurance for tens of millions of Americans and to rein in health costs as proposed by President Obama. The 60-to-39 p

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Mondo Frazier

Though there have been a lot of lies, damned lies and statistics used, we thought there ought to be a listing of the dumbest things said about ObamaCare. After all, it's the Christmas season and we're in a giving mood.

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Dr Doom: Coincidentally, I called one of my senators yesterday to ask questions about the healthcare bill.One of the questions I asked was about the 2014 date. I stated that by that time maybe there will be a new president and congress who can undo

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Weekly Standard

Reid Bill Says Future Congresses Cannot Repeal Parts of Reid Bill. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) pointed out some rather astounding language in the Senate health care bill during floor remarks tonight. First, he noted that there are a number of change

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Harry Reid has Scheduled the ObamaCare Vote for 1:00 AM MONDAY Click Below to Tell the Senate to VOTE NO​3440 ALERT: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled the vote on the O

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McClatchy News

Senate Democrats appeared ready to drop a controversial plan to expand Medicare coverage to 55- to 64-year-olds, a proposal that's threatened to scuttle the massive health care bill that lawmakers hope to finish before Christmas. Democrats emerged

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Totally amazing! Why hasn’t this information made the rounds of the Internet? Why don’t the Democrats tell us how they are out to screw America’s married middle class?! It takes a candidate for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District to tell us?! WTF!

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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After days of secret talks, Senate Democrats tentatively agreed Tuesday night to drop a government-run insurance option from sweeping health care legislation, several officials said, a concession to party moderates whose votes are critical to passage

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Washington Post

Despite the prospect of a potentially tough 2010 reelection fight, the combative Democratic leader has assumed full ownership of a 2,074-page bill that would cost $848 billion over 10 years and institute the most far-reaching changes to the system in

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War Street Journal

Hair tucked into a surgical cap, eyes hidden behind thick-framed magnifying glasses, Devi Shetty leans over the sawed open chest of an 11-year-old boy, using bright blue thread to sew an artificial aorta onto his stopped heart.