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A DEM friend of mine who believes in socialized medicine and the ability to use political compromise to achieve a prosperous society keeps hammering me on all the reasons for passing the Obama healthcare plan. It will bring down the cost of pay to

Letters to the Editor • Global
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According to a article from March 16, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has confirmed that the House will resort to the Slaughter Rule to enact Health Care Reform. Speaking to reporters at his weekly Capitol Hill briefing on Tuesday, H

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Pressure is building on dozens of uncertain Democrats in the House this week as broad health care overhaul legislation appears headed for a climactic vote, perhaps by this weekend. Obama is making phone calls, holding one-on-one meetings with rank-an

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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The leadership says they have the votes, but projecting an aura of confidence has been a key to their pressure strategy. Bart Stupak says Democrats are 16 votes short, but pessimism has been, well, part of his strategy. So I prefer to actually, you k

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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New research suggests that humans may have a previously unidentified sixth taste sense — for fat. Researchers of the new study also found that people with a high sensitivity to the taste of fat, paradoxically tended to eat less fatty foods and wer

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This weekend, the Congressional Budget Office released “a very strange memo” titled, “Budgetary Treatment of Proposals to Regulate Medical Loss Ratios.” You wouldn’t know it from the title, but that little memo is the smoking gun that shows how cong

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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The Sundries Shack

Here it comes, folks. The Democrats have introduced the first step of their plain to ram government-run health care down our throats whether we want it or not. The bill is 2,309 pages long, but don’t get too comfortable with it. Here’s why......

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Joel Turtel, author

Obama's "health-care" bill will create "death lists" --- lists of patients who will die waiting for the heart operation or cancer treatment they need. Obama's health-care bureaucrats would decide who will live or die.

News Link • Global Reported By Joel Turtel
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The Wall Street Journal

'Every argument has been made. Everything that there is to say about health care has been said, and just about everybody has said it," President Obama declared yesterday as he urged Democrats to steamroll his plan through Congress. What hasn't bee

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Joel Turtel, author

The Obama Marxists are a political horror show because they want to use ‘majority rule’ to violate our individual rights and ram socialized medicine down our throats.

News Link • Global Reported By Joel Turtel
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In the real world of actual death and injury, Big Pharma leaves Toyota in the dust. While Toyota's accelerator problems present a potential for trouble, Big Pharma kills a planeload of people every single day.

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