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The Obama Ministry of Truth continues to blatantly lie and denigrate all who oppose them. But if one would take the time to turn off Idol for one night, you might find out the the “Party of No” has been working their collective butts off coming up w

News Link • Global Reported By Todd Detry
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Mondo Frazier

Newt Gingrich accused Bob Dole in 1994 of being the “tax collector for the liberal welfare state.” With his recent advice to Republicans to hold hands and help drag ObamaCare’s rotting carcass across the legislative finish line, he’s become in 2010 w

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Don't say "mental retardation" - the new term is "intellectual disability." No more diagnoses of Asperger's syndrome - call it a mild version of autism instead. And while "behavioral addictions" will be new to doctors' dictionaries, "Internet addicti

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If you downed one too many while watching the Super Bowl, here's at least one reason to hold your head high: Drinking beer can be good for your health. But seriously, a new analysis of 100 commercial beers shows the hoppy beverage is a significant so

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Government is poised to become king of the hill in America's vast health care system, with or without President Barack Obama's planned redo. Federal and state programs will pay slightly more than half the tab for health care purchased in the United S

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Washington Times

Congress can pass a federal health care bill and President Obama can sign it, but that doesn't mean the states plan to abide by it. Lawmakers in 30 states are pressing for constitutional amendments to exempt individuals from the requirement to pur

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st.joes news

JEFFERSON CITY— Before a rally that attracted hundreds of people from across the state, Republicans in the state Legislature Wednesday asserted their willingness to resist health care legislation if it is passed by the Democratically controlled U.S.

News Link • Global Reported By Steve Freedom
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AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

The best opportunity to defeat ObamaCare may come from, ironically, Massachusetts. In the race to succeed the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, Republican State Senator Scott Brown could become the key vote to stop nationalized health care....

News Link • Global Reported By Fredy Riehl
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Huffington Posst ; J. Bradley Jansen

The "individual mandate" is a section of the bill that requires every single American to buy health insurance--whether or not they want it or feel they can afford it--or break the law and face penalties and fines.

The only way to enforce su

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The state Supreme Court said nothing in state law prevents patients from seeking physician-assisted suicide, making Montana the third state that will allow the procedure. Patients and doctors had been waiting for the state's high court to step in aft

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Tenth Ammendment Center

The real way to resist DC is not by begging politicians and judges in Washington to allow us to exercise our rights…it’s to exercise our rights whether they want to give us “permission” to or not. Nullification – state-level resistance to unconsti

News Link • Global Reported By Steve Freedom