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Wake up America! Little need to editorialize. Here is a sampling of the sort of facts the politicians and pro-illegal lobby want you to ignore, yet expect you to continue to bear the burden of. Is it any wonder scores of hospitals in border states an

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Woodward Report

On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists murdered nearly three thousand in a quest to bring the United States to its knees.   Today, however, million of illegal aliens are bringing American to its knees in a much different way.

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But a move by Democrat backers to exclude 12 million illegal immigrants from buying health coverage and restrict the participation of authorized migrants has drawn the ire of U.S. Hispanics — a bloc that overwhelmingly turned out to vote for Obama in

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Ron Paul - Campaign for Liberty

Last Wednesday the nation was riveted to the President's speech on healthcare reform before Congress. While the President's concern for the uninsured is no doubt sincere, his plan amounts to a magnanimous gift to the health insurance industry, despit

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We spoke this afternoon to Jennifer Mehigan of Boston EMS to find out more about H1N1 and the existence of permanent innoculation bracelets given to those who come for vaccines. The picture is the actual immunization record given to those who volunta

News Link • Global Reported By Sheila Dean
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Sun Light Project

The 1983 act changed Medicare reimbursements from a fee-for-service to a prospective payment system. The former is pretty much what it sounds like: a hospital charges $30,000 for a hip replacement, and Medicare reimburses it $30,000.

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LaasVegas Sun

No sooner than the Senate Finance Committee's chairman released his long-awaited health care bill today than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said it's not good enough for Nevada. Reid is concerned about the cash-poor state's inability to boost

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In the latest video press release, Democrat staff is shown outlining the requirements of their health care legislation, despite their rhetoric that there are no such requirements. Please rate this video five stars, favorite it, post it to your You

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But the need to spend less money on the elderly at the end of life is the elephant in the room in the health-reform debate. Everyone sees it but no one wants to talk about it. Until Americans learn to contemplate death as more than a scientific chal

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(OMG remember the article yesterday about Trash and Rats) A previously unknown virus that killed four of the five people it struck in an outbreak in South Africa last year has been identified as part of a family of viruses humans can catch from rats.

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Economic Policy Journal

This, my friends, is how you explain the problem of ObamaCare. It will limit spending and reduce options and new innovations, and thus result in an evil kind of rationing that will kill off the very young and the elderly.

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AFA Action

The White House has now conceded that Rep. Joe Wilson was exactly right when he accused President Obama of lying when Mr. Obama denied that illegal aliens would be covered under the government takeover of health care. Wilson knew that every a

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Mises Institute

Driving into work today, I saw garbage bins overflowing and city dumpsters spilling out with trash. It stinks. It's disgusting. It's uncivilized. It's probably dangerous to some extent. It's a holiday, so of course the government workers charged w

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Dr. Tenpenny

For years some parents and scientists have raised concerns about vaccine safety, including a possible link to autism and ADD. Many independent experts have sided with government officials and other scientists who say there’s no possible connection.

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Real Clear Politics

We had our warning during the campaign, we really did. Remember Barack Obama's famous speech on race, back in March of 2008? Obama had spent 20 years listening to the sermons of Jeremiah Wright, full of venomous anti-Americanism and attacks on "wh

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Crooks and Liars

He's the new hero of the right but I wonder how they would feel if they knew that Rep. Joe Wilson is yet another Republican hypocrite?

On Wednesday night, Rep. Joe Wilson , shouted “You lie!” at President Obama when he said that the healthcare bill would not cover illegal immigrants. “The supporters of the government takeover of healthcare and liberals who want to give healthcare to illegals are using my opposition as an excuse to distract from the critical questions being raised about this poorly conceived plan,” Wilson said the next day in a campaign fundraising video.

However, in 2003, Wilson voted to provide federal funds for illegal immigrants’ healthcare. The vote came on the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, which contained Sec. 1011 authorizing $250,000 annually between 2003 and 2008 for government reimbursements to hospitals who provide treatment for uninsured illegal immigrants. The program has been ex

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U.S. News

Seniors, in fact, are more opposed to Obama's healthcare ideas than any other age group.This is ironic because those over 65 rely on the government in so many ways, such as through Medicare and Social Security. But they have developed a deep skepticism toward Obama's agenda of expanding the reach and power of Washington. They basically agree with the conservative attack that he is a liberal zealot who wants to inject the government into every nook and cranny of American life—including everyday decisions about the choice of doctors and medical plans, pollsters say.

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