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Common Sense From a Common Man

Page by page summary of the problems with the Health Care Reform Bill, from someone who has actually read it.

News Link • Global Reported By Jennifer Burk
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Buffalohair Gazette International

Anticipating clarity and substance I gathered with elders to listen to Barack Obama’s pitch for National Healthcare. Quietly I sat as Obama made his much hyped oratory to the American people when an elderly gentleman said; “When is he going to become president?” The room filled with octogenarians burst into laughter. The dialogue then turned from healthcare to a field of jabs and criticisms about the president and his constant use of double talk and fear to move his agenda. Then another senior citizen said flatly; “He’s just another liar” Being the youngster in the group I sat quietly as this group of seniors outlined a few key points in this much touted speech. What they said was quite remarkable since this group of people were staunch supporters of Obama, in the beginning. Their main concern was wondering what Obama’s ulterior motivation was for nationalized healthcare in the first place. They found it off point for the president to blame George W. Bush for the economy and were su

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The reason why healthcare is so expensive is due to government, not private enterprise. Mike Renzulli also gives his thoughts on some proposals to make health insurance and care more affordable.

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LibertyCast Network

As Americans die in the streets, our heroic Congress has decided to bring together a massive Health Care bill to stop any further carnage. They are so proficient in fact, they are likely to pass the first draft of the bill without reading the entire thing, as its length pushes one thousand pages, and its language is well lets say “cryptic”; Which again is understandable, considering the citizens are probably listening. Luckily our fearless leader has spearheaded the effort, performing a side show out of an ABC circus tent(Any similarities to real events are strictly coincidental). Congress has balls. They are rinsing and repeating a technique they used late last year to pass the big “Tarp” bill and now, likely will do the same for the health care legislation. And as we saw with the “bail out” no matter how much of an outcry from the constituents, the “representatives” will likely “forget” to check their voice mail.

News Link • Global Reported By Nick Visperas
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It appears people have married the healthcare system in this country. Americans are either unconvinced or unwilling to acknowledge that our healthcare system is corrupt, under-serving, unmanageable and outright dangerous.. (By way of example, we are reducing our cholesterol with statin drugs and bombarding our immune systems with live viruses, debris and other neurotoxins annually to prevent influenza.) In other words, the majority of us have taken some sort of sacred oath to continue to adhere to the ludicrous practices we currently call health care (such as reducing our cholesterol with statin drugs and bombarding our immune systems with live viruses, debris and other neurotoxins annually to prevent influenza) “for better or for worse until death do us part.” As a consequence, a large number of us are fulfilling those vows. A very large number of us are dying at the hands of our own healthcare system!

When I left the pharmaceutical industry in 2000 to enter

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Miami Herald

Florida’s surgeon general says the state is preparing for massive swine flu immunizations, starting with schoolchildren, as the Obama administration urges states to prepare for the likelihood that the virus might worsen in the fall.  

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U.S. swine flu vaccinations could begin in October with children among the first in line — at their local schools — the Obama administration said as the president and his Cabinet urged states to figure out now how they'll tackle the virus' all-but-certain resurgence.

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Just a Girl in Short Shorts

A class action lawsuit has been filed challenging the constitutionality and legality of provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act , which in conjunction with the HIPAA privacy provisions, have given the federal government virtually unlimited discretionary power to examine our personal medical records.

News Link • Global Reported By Becky Chandler
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I'm the former insurance industry insider now speaking out about how big for-profit insurers have hijacked our health care system and turned it into a giant ATM for Wall Street investors, and how the industry is using its massive wealth and influence to determine what is (and is not) included in the health care reform legislation members of Congress are now writing. Although by most measures I had a great career in the insurance industry (four years at Humana and nearly 15 at CIGNA), in recent years I had grown increasingly uncomfortable serving as one of the industry's top PR executives. In addition to my responsibilities at CIGNA, which included serving as the company's chief spokesman to the media on all corporate and financial matters, I also served on a lot of trade association committees and industry-financed coalitions, many of which were essentially front groups for insurers. So I was in a unique position to see not only how Wall Street analysts and investors influe

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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Vaccine Resistance Movement

We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Any attempted violation of this trust must be construed as a breach of said basic right. ...

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publius forum

Originally, he said it was “healthcare for all,” but as of Wednesday night, it seems he’s “evolved” to say that only those worth the bother should get healthcare. The rest should be left to died and/or suffer. If he does any more “evolving” we’ll all be finding just who is “worth” what as far as he and his Democrats are concerned. Somehow I’d guess that many of you reading this today won’t quite be worth as much as certain others!

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The truth is, shockingly few prevention efforts actually save the health care system money overall, despite claims by the president and some in Congress.

Discussing daily aspirin use with people at risk of heart disease does save money. So do vaccinations for children. When doctors talk to smokers and offer medication to help them quit, that, too, saves money.

But those are the exceptions.


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The Windsor Star

Five-to-40-year-olds and Canada’s aboriginal communities should be the first to get vaccinated against human swine flu, experts say as Canadian officials decide who gets priority for the flu shots. 

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92 veterans were given incorrect radiation doses in a common surgical procedure to treat prostate cancer during a 6-year period at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Philadelphia. The hospital team that performed the procedure botched it on 92 of 116 occasions and continued the treatment for a year even though monitoring equipment was broken

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The right to privacy conflicts with rationing and regulation. Is a government-dominated health-care system unconstitutional? A strong case can be made for that proposition, based on the same "right to privacy" that underlies such landmark Supreme Court decisions as Roe v. Wade....

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Ta'Shon Rain Little Light, a happy little girl who loved to dance and dress up in traditional American Indian clothes, had stopped eating and walking. She complained constantly to her mother that her stomach hurt.

When Stephanie Little Light took her daughter to the Indian Health Service clinic in this wind-swept and remote corner of Montana, they told her the 5-year-old was depressed.

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Here is what this “efficiency” would mean in stark terms: severely restricting healthcare services to our elderly, and the severely and terminally ill. “Efficiency” here means providing services to millions of young and healthy, who do not need much of it, and cutting healthcare to seniors and the severely ill who “statistically do not have as much to lose by not getting good healthcare.” ....

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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June 7 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama wants Congress to consider taxing the wealthy instead of workers to pay for a health-care overhaul, as House Democrats discuss a plan to require health insurance for most Americans.

The Obama administration stepped up efforts to influence health-care legislation today as advisers David Axelrod and Austan Goolsbee appeared on televisi
