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Oh, the horrors of Socialized medicine! Read about the horrible things that Communist countries like Cuba do to their citizens via their true Socialist healthcare. This should be an eye opener for the idiots who, while knowing nothing about socialized medicine, still scream that adopting such a system is Socialism (even if they don't know what that means) and parrot fearmongering claims that a socialized system of medicine will kill people.

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The Examiner

Although, President Barack Obama participated in an AARP Town Hall to promote his health care reform, his appearance was not a success among members of the powerful AARP. Comments posted by AARP members indicate they are far from assured by Obama or his message. Most comments show a continued distrust of Obama's assurances that Medicare will be protected and that health care will be better. Baby boomers who now hold a great deal of power in the AARP and among voters, just don't want their entitlements smaller

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Socialism is EVIL because in order to do the so called good you must first do Evil. How is it that we should be robbed to pay for someone else? As ObamaCare sinks in the polls, Democrats are complaining that the critics are distorting their proposals. But the truth is that the closer one inspects the actual details, the worse it all looks. Today’s example is the vast debt canyon that would open just beyond the 10-year window under which the bill is officially “scored” for cost purposes. The press corps has noticed the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate that the House health bill increases the deficit by $239 billion over the next decade. But government-run health care won’t turn into a pumpkin after a decade. The underreported news is the new spending that will continue to increase well beyond the 10-year period that CBO examines, and that this blowout will overwhelm even the House Democrats’ huge tax increases, Medicare spending cuts and other “pay fors.”

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Hot Air

“Jackass” being my choice of words, not his. Think of this as an Olbermann Special Comment if Keith were one-tenth as long-winded and 5-10,000 times more likeable. And yet it’s pointless: The One can’t stop demagoging his critics for the simple reason that his image won’t allow it. As the risen Christ of American politics, his agenda is ipso facto good and just; treating his critics’ concerns as valid instead of the ravings of a lunatic mob would be like Jesus telling Satan, “Well, you’ve got a point there.” The whole Hopenchange mythos is at its core demagoguery. What do you want him to say, Neil? If you don’t read this post by Brian Faughnan after watching the clip then your understanding of this subject is incomplete.

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Economic Policy Journal

Commenter Nynjadoc makes a number of important points at my Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill post, including the curious fact that MSM's coverage of the Healthcare bill seems to be very narrow in scope, with no discussion at all about the seeming likely cut off in medical care to the elderly, and the likelihood that private insurance could be eventually eliminated because of the Obama plan. He also notes an intriguing connection between Michelle Obama and big pharma. His points are important enough to reproduce here: Yes all the diabolic comments are accurate. This bill should be called, instead of Universal Healthcare, Euthanasia/Healthcare. Second, isn't it odd that it's getting almost NO media outrage. The implications of this make Katrina pale by comparison and yet we're only being allowed to hear about the financial consequences.

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In promoting his health-care agenda, President Obama has repeatedly reassured Americans that they can keep their existing health plans -- and that the benefits and access they prize will be enhanced through reform. A close reading of the two main bills, one backed by Democrats in the House and the other issued by Sen. Edward Kennedy's Health committee, contradict the President's assurances. To be sure, it isn't easy to comb through their 2,000 pages of tortured legal language. But page by page, the bills reveal a web of restrictions, fines, and mandates that would radically change your health-care coverage.

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Economic Policy Journal

This is a great report from John Stossel. In it, he also mentions the problem that innovation will be killed off without the ability for firms an individuals to profit from there innovations. I have mentioned this as a key problem of a national healthcare system, outside of Stossel, I have seen little mention of this great problem. If Obamacare passes, it is likely that we will have peaked as far as innovation, for a very long time, perhaps forever.

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Some of President Barack Obama's health care numbers don't seem to add up. And that's complicating his efforts to pass his top domestic priority.

Obama could be falling into the same trap that snagged George W. Bush when he was pushing private accounts for Social Security as part of his "ownership society" in 2005. Bush's claims that the proposal would help shore up Social Security's long-term finances were hard to document mathematically and wound up feeding greater public skepticism.


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Stop Socialism Now

Last week, the Wall Street Journal noted that the House health care bill places an 8 percent payroll tax on small businesses with payrolls of $400,000 or more that do not provide health insurance for their employees. In addition, individual workers would have to pay a 2.5-percent tax on gross income if they do not buy the health insurance the government mandates. More....

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Washington Post

More than twice as many D.C. children as previously reported by federal and local health officials had high levels of lead in their blood amid the city's drinking water crisis, according to congressional investigators, throwing into doubt assurances by those officials that the lead in tap water did not seriously harm city children.

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The Business Insider

It's August, so it's time for Politicians to get outside the beltway and press the flesh with the real people back at home. Ick. Who wants to do that? When they're not facing the wrath of insane "birthers" (and they are insane), pols on both sides of the aisle are being greeted by unruly crowds angry about proposed healthcare legislation. Here's Austin, TX Congressman Lloyd Doggett here's Arlen Specter getting a bronx cheer after suggesting that healthcare reform had to be done "fast." Videos at site

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 It is too expansive for many to read, but there are people out there who ARE reading it. And after reading it, if you ever got your hands on anyone associated with this slime, you would never stop slapping them.   Our friend, Peter Fleckstein, shares with us what he is finding,....

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Betsy McCaughey Exposes Obama Healthcare Lies Page 425: "Counseling sessions" mandated for elderly to pressure them to DIE. And you CANNOT keep your present health plan. Obama lies about that, too. Also watch: Page 425: "Counseling sessions" mandated for elderly to pressure them to DIE. And you CANNOT keep your present health plan. Obama lies about that, too.

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Worldnet Daily

The Democrats' proposed national health insurance plan would dictate medications, treatments and mental health services; determine coverages individuals are allowed to have; and operate with real-time access to personal bank accounts, according to a new analysis. And it's worse, a critic said, than China's mandatory one-child policy. "In the same way that the bill pushes elderly or the sick toward euthanasia, it is a pill that would cause economic suicide," said Mathew Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel. "It's a euthanasia bill for America."

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Catherine Austine Fitts writes on a recent blog post, "I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation. Perhaps it is the goal of a swine flu epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season."  

Notice exactly what Catherine Fitts is saying here. She is saying that one of the goals of the vaccine is depopulation! The vaccine is the cause!!

Fitts is NOT saying that the swine flu is going to cause depopulation! She is simply saying that the vaccine is going to kill the people.


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If the news media would report on the CONTENTS of the proposed federal health care takeover (see details below) it would die in a day. People would rise up, as they did over the recent illegal-alien amnesty attempt, and demand defeat. Instead, the media reports meaningless drivel, politicing, promises, compromises, party squabbles and leaves out the substance of this incredibly bad hostile takeover of your doctor's office, complete with end-your-life paperwork issued by bureaucrats, denial of service, strict rationing, cash penalties for selecting your own doctors or treatment. Gun-Rights Linkage: With this much total control over your medical and financial records, there's a very short step between automated analysis of your "fitness" to keep and bear arms, and the various prohibited-possessor lists the government is keeping and recommending. That's just my idle observation, the bill does not explicitly address it in any way.   The lames

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Tenth Amendment Center

On the heels of a successful state-level resistance to the 2005 Real ID Act, activists and state legislators alike are focusing their efforts on state governments as a way to resist new federal programs. The latest? Health Care. In response to what some opponents see as a Congress that doesn’t represent their interests, State Legislators are looking to the nearly-forgotten American political tradition of nullification as a way to reject any potential national health care program that may be coming from Washington. The most recent effort comes from Florida State Senator Carey Baker and State Representative Scott Plakon, who this week filed a proposed State Constitutional Amendment (HJR37) as a means to prevent Floridians from being affected by any Federal Health Care Legislation. If approved by the legislature, Florida residents could be voting on it as early as 2010. HJR37 would deny the ability of any new law to impose demands, restrictions or penalties on health care cho

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Help us place this ad: Your loved one denied surgery - a government bureaucrat decided it isnt needed. Your hard-earned tax dollars funding abortions liberals in Congress decided they are needed. Congress will soon vote on President Obamas healthcare bill a bill limiting our choices to preserve life and expanding the choice to end one. Our greatest generation denied care. Our future generation denied life Call your Senator. Family Research Council Action is responsible for the content of this advertisement.

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Might American seniors experience a new form of elder abuse under Obamacare? Health care reform is a hot topic across this country and Saturday afternoon brought an extra intensity to the Texas heat in downtown Austin as Obamacare was discussed by Congressman Lloyd Doggett inside the AFL-CIO Hall while supporters from both sides of the debate exchanged barbs and chants outside the facility. One of the most interesting aspects of this debate has to do with treatment of the elderly and that clearly was on the mind of those who believe the president is on the wrong path.

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American Spectator

"If they would rather die they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." -- Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol Should Michael J. Fox be put to death? Celebrities and death. Now there's a potent cocktail. Several parts fame, a few jiggers of Hollywood and a splash each for sports, business and journalism. Did I mention politics and government bureaucracy? Sorry. Without that essential element the mixture has no wallop. And a wallop this concoction surely will have, particularly if you believe actor Michael J. Fox has overstayed his welcome on the planet. Let's pour the dry ingredients of politics and government bureaucracy into the pitcher first, beginning with the politics of death and dying.

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News With Views

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive . . . . . those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." – ;C. S. Lewis President Obama said something at his White House healthcare event last week that should scare you out of your wits, especially if you are a senior citizen.....

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The Heritage Foundation

Yesterday at his AARP townhall, Presdient Barack Obama claimed: “Nobody is talking about cutting Medicare benefits.” The July 28th Barack Obama needs to talk to the January 11th Barack Obama who told ABC News: We’ve got to eliminate programs that don’t work, and I’ll give you an example in the health care area. We are spending a lot of money subsidizing the insurance companies around something called Medicare Advantage, a program that gives them subsidies to accept Medicare recipients but doesn’t necessarily make people on Medicare healthier. And if we eliminate that and other programs, we can potentially save $200 billion out of the health care system. More

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Opponents of critically needed health care reform continue to demonstrate how out of touch they are with working America—and in a recent egregious comment by a House Republican, the opposition has also insulted the nation’s seniors. Here’s what Florida Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite said Tuesday on the House floor: “Last week, Democrats released a health care bill which essentially said to America’s seniors: ‘Drop dead.’ ” Tony Fransetta, president of the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, is outraged by Brown-Waite’s injudicious and downright ugly comment.

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With his August deadline now dead, President Barack Obama must hope the prospects for health reform this year haven’t expired as well — but the backsliding and bitter words on Capitol Hill this week show just how much his sweeping plan is at risk.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision Thursday not to seek a Senate vote on health reform before the recess means the House most likely won’t act either — putting the votes off until September.