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Chandlers Watch

Leaders in the House and Senate have a plan to pass President Barack Obama’s sweeping health care plan by Thanksgiving without any significant participation by the American public. CNS News has confirmed the details in our September 22nd titled “Pass

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San Diego UnionTribune

For a half-year, this editorial page has lamented the determination of President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to fast-track extraordinarily complex legislation overhauling the U.S. health care system.

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Health care legislation drafted by a key Senate committee would expand coverage to 94 percent of all eligible Americans at a 10-year cost of $829 billion, congressional budget experts said Wednesday, a preliminary estimate trumpeted by the White Hous

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Wink News

A new survey finds nearly half of Americans do not plan to get the new H1N1 swine flu vaccine. The numbers came on the same day the government introduced a new checklist to help people figure out if they have the illness. ER doctors at Fawcett Me

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Global Research

Our investigation shows that most people do not know what is actually in a vaccine: the active ingredients listed on product labels, inert ingredients, and, most important, the hidden ingredients. To our amazement, that truth was easy to find. But i

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Economic Policy Journal

The first nudges are in place. In President Obama's Washington, medical specialists are slightly more popular than the H1N1 virus.

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Fox News

The new Republican support for Obama's top domestic priority came as a potential setback emerged for Senate health legislation: Congressional tax experts reported that the bill would impose $29 billion more in taxes on health care industries than ori

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A government-run healthcare system favored by many Democrats would be "ruthless" in its treatment of healthcare recipients, warns former House Majority Leader Dick Armey. In a wide-ranging exclusive Newsmax interview, the Texas Republican also said

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NY Post

Senate bid to sock elder-care AS the health-reform bills move through Congress, the prognosis for Medicare patients gets worse and worse

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"I honestly don't know why the article became such a lightning rod," says John Mackey, CEO and founder of Whole Foods Market Inc., as he tries to explain the firestorm caused by his August op-ed on these pages opposing government-run health care. "I

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Human Events

President Obama and liberals in Congress seem intent on passing comprehensive health care reform, even though polls suggest it is unpopular with the American people. And despite the potential political risks to moderate Democrats, the President and l

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