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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Middle Class to Feel the Pain of Obamacare

• Newsmax
The family would get a tax credit of $3,970 to help pay for a policy worth $11,080. But the balance due — $7,110 — is real money. Maybe it's less than the rent, but it's probably more than a car loan payment.
 Kaiser's calculator doesn't take into account co-payments and deductibles that could add hundreds of dollars, even several thousand, to a family's total medical expenses.
The legislation provides the most generous subsidies to those at or near the poverty line, about $22,000 for a family of four. That's where the problem is concentrated because about three-fourths of the uninsured are in households making less than twice the poverty level.
But as income rises, the subsidies taper off. For a family of four making $45,000, federal subsidies would pick up 71 percent of the premium under the Baucus plan, according to the Kaiser calculator.
For a family with an income of $63,000, the subsidies would only cover 36 percent of the premium. A family making $90,000 would get no help. (Comment mine they will just get the bill for the others)

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 And since when are y'all worried about the middle class or the lower class for that matter?  I thought that the only class that concerned you was the upper class of which, I'm sure, you ain't a part.