IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Actually the “Party of No” Has Ideas, Lots of Them

• http://www.papatodd.com/
The Obama Ministry of Truth continues to blatantly lie and denigrate all who oppose them. But if one would take the time to turn off Idol for one night, you might find out the the “Party of No” has been working their collective butts off coming up with idea after idea. The virtual embargo on reporting Republican legislation has allowed Democrats and their allies in the media to keep up the “Republicans have no plan” attack. Just hours after the president’s speech, for example, the Democratic National Committee released a new commercial claiming that Republicans “refuse to offer a plan” to reform the health care system. Just for the record, in case you want to check them out, these are the bills proposed, so far, by Tom Price [Head of the House GOP Study Committee] and his allies in the House: 32 of them....
