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A Senate investigation found that Medicare spent millions of dollars for stents implanted by a Maryland doctor accused of putting them in patients who didn't need them.

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For some sufferers of inflammatory bowel diseases, relief comes in the form of a parasite cocktail: A deliberate infection with worms seems to soothe disease symptoms. Thanks to one man who volunteered his gut for science, a new study suggests the wo

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Plans by the Office of Personnel Management to build a database containing the healthcare claims of millions of Americans. OPM has provided few details about the new database and the data collected will be shared with law enforcement, third-party res

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Confused about how the new health reform law really works? This short, animated movie -- featuring the "YouToons" -- explains the problems with the current health care system, the changes that are happening now, and the big changes coming in 2014 i

News Link • Global Reported By Michele Power
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NY Times

The Obama administration, aiming to encourage health insurance companies to offer child-only policies, said Wednesday that they could charge higher premiums for coverage of children with serious medical problems, if state law allowed it.

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Democratic Playbook, Rule #1: When things aren’t going your way, try and scare the heck out of your base. That used to work. But times are different now. The old scare tactics now simply sound desperate. CBS News- House Speaker Nancy Pelos

News Link • Global Reported By Todd Detry
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The American Spectator

Can you say "October Surprise"? A mushrooming political battle over ObamaCare involving the White House, two incumbent Pennsylvania congressmen, three Catholic hospitals and a nun has just exploded in, of all places, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Char

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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