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The Jimmy Dore Show -

Videos have been going viral on social media showing consumers revealing the rubbery fruits they've purchased, including bananas, avocados, watermelon and blueberries. Video creators say they purchased these strange fruits at Costco and Whole Foods

Article Image, Julia Elhaj

"In a pivotal moment, Senator Rand Paul questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci, exposing a stark contradiction between Fauci's past statements and his current stance on immunology..."

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How can MRI staff reduce the impact of radiofrequency-induced heating? Are tattoos and implantable medical devices safe? How can quenching be avoided? What are the special risks in 7-tesla MRI? A prize-winning RSNA 2023 exhibit addressed these and ot

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The Highwire with Del Bigtree

Del Reports on the Road To Geneva Protest and his inside Look at the World Powers at Work There; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Fauci on Capitol Hill, and new twist in the emergence of AI; Firebrand Journalist exposes destructive policies threatening our