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IPFS News Link • Who-World Health Organization

WHO Fails To Get Agreement On The Text Of The Pandemic Treaty But It Is Not Over Yet

• Activist Post

This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé.

The ninth meeting of the International Negotiating Body ("INB9") has failed to yield an agreement ahead of next week's 77th World Health Assembly ("WHA"). However, delegates were still optimistic yesterday that an agreement on a Pandemic Accord would eventually be reached.

Although it seems we might have been given a temporary respite, the fight to defeat the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") pandemic plans is not yet over.

Besides the Pandemic Accord there is also WHO's proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Dr. Meryl Nass shares a white paper explaining why developing countries should vote to defeat WHO's proposals and why people of goodwill everywhere should be delighted if both of WHO's proposals fail.