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IPFS News Link • Sweden

'Laissez-Faire' Sweden Had the Lowest Mortality in Europe From 2020–2022, New Analysis Shows

•, Jon Miltimore

Gore Vidal once said "I told you so" are the four most beautiful words in the English language.

Perhaps this is why it's difficult to resist sharing new data that show how Sweden's much-maligned pandemic response was right after all.

For those who've forgotten, Sweden was excoriated by corporate media and US politicians for its lighter-touch Covid-19 strategy. Many were downright hostile to the Swedes for refusing to shutter schools, lock down businesses, and ramp up police to enforce mandates.

Here's a sample of headlines:

• "Why the Swedish Model for Fighting COVID-19 Is a Disaster" (Time, October 2020).

• "The Inside Story of How Sweden Botched Its Coronavirus Response" (Foreign Policy, December 2020).

• "Sweden Stayed Open and More People Died of Covid-19, but the Real Reason May Be Something Darker" (Forbes, 2020).

• "Sweden Has Become the World's Cautionary Tale" (New York Times, July 2020).

• "I Just Came Home to Sweden. I'm Horrified by the Coronavirus Response Here" (Slate, April 2020).

This is just a taste of the reactions against Sweden in 2020. By opting to allow its 10 million citizens to continue living relatively normal lives, Sweden was, in the words of The Guardian, leading not just Swedes but the entire world "to catastrophe."

Even then-president Trump got in on the action of smacking Sweden around.

"Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown," the tweeter-in-chief warned.

Despite the foreboding rhetoric, the worst-case predictions for Sweden never materialized. In fact, they were not even close.

In March 2021, it was apparent that Sweden had a lower mortality rate than most European nations. The following year, Sweden boasted one of the lowest mortality rates in Europe.
