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Bill Gates -

Inside a two-story brick building in Medellín, Colombia, scientists work long hours in muggy labs breeding millions and millions of mosquitoes.

Article Image by The Highwire with Del

'The Great Awakening' Global Premiere Event Seen Across The World; On The Jaxen Report, German data on Excess Mortality points toward the vaccine | Is SARS CoV-2 causing cancer or something else | and the history of euthanasia and population cont


Can private companies bio-bomb the s&it out of a country that has the largest military in the world for 3 years straight? Why no case against a private company succeeded?

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Activist Post

International COVID Summit III: Day One links to the summary by Dr. Robert Malone of the first day of the third International COVID Summit. On May 15, Dr. Malone emailed Videos: The International Covid Summit III in the European Parliament, Brussels.

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Don't worry, it was a low-grade thing, not at all like the debilitating depression many people suffer through. So low-grade, in fact, that I didn't think of it as more than a bad mood.

Article Image By DR Joseph Mercola

Before the COVID pandemic, Dr. Paul Marik became well-known for his development of a highly effective sepsis protocol using intravenous vitamin C, which resulted in a dramatic reduction in mortality rates. Then, in 2020, he cofounded the Front Line C
