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IPFS News Link • Water Issues-Water Fluoridation

Extreme fluoride toxicity exposed in federal lawsuit against the EPA

• Natural News - Lance Johnson

For decades, municipal water sources have been "medicated" with fluoride (and arsenic) byproducts. This decades-long medical experiment is intended to prevent tooth decay in the general population, but this mass experiment comes with its own set of health risks and completely bypasses the informed consent principle.

EPA ignores fluoride petition, paving way for historic lawsuit that could ban water fluoridation

The 2016 petition against fluoride was ignored by the EPA. This prompted the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and the Food & Water Watch to sue the EPA. Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, any citizen can sue the EPA if the agency rejects a petition to ban or regulate a toxic substance. There is more than enough evidence included with the petition to prove that mass water fluoridation causes harmful neurotoxic effects in the population. The petition included 180 published studies and approximately 2,500 pages of reference material showing that fluoride causes neurotoxicity and reduces IQ.
