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posted by Becky Akers on LRCblog

In its endless fear-mongering, the corporate media — or at least the New York Times — are agitating for metal detectors at hospitals. Yes. Suffering a heart attack? Sorry, join the queue at the metal detector, Bub, and if you live long enough, we’ll

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The Hals Report

It looks like Walmart is interested in the business of healthcare. Earlier this week, the superstore decided to begin offering a large list of medical services which include basic prevention and management of chronic conditions like diabetes and hear

News Link • Global Reported By The Real News
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There are a lot of hazards that surround Halloween. From pumpkin carving to milling around the streets at night, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Fr33 Aid works to keep one another safe in various situations, and Halloween is no differen

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Users of the Pulse Phone app may be justifiably impressed at the way in which it lets them measure their heart rate, simply by placing their finger over their iPhone's camera lens. Well, a biomedical engineer has taken that concept several steps far

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With government constantly expanding its size and intrusion into our lives at every level, we’re at the point where virtually everyone agrees that the medical system in America is not serving the needs of patients...

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by Anthony Gregory via

It’s official. The American dystopia is here. Obama administration officials admit that the CIA assassination program that snuffed out Anwar al-Awlaki last Friday is guided by a secret panel that decides who lives and dies.

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Medical supplies are an essential part of survival and planning can really save you some headaches. You cannot have too much gauze nor too many Band-Aids. Seriously, if you have the room then keep buying them.

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Washington Post

“It was a $5,000 contribution that I had received from them,” Perry said. “I raise about $30 million. And if you’re saying that I can be bought for $5,000, I’m offended.” But campaign disclosure records portray a much deeper financial connection wit

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