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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Why Obama, Pelosi, and Reid Won’t Quit Pushing Health Care Reform

• Pajamas Media
World News | US News | Money | Science & Technology | Lifestyle | Conservatism 2.0 Why Obama, Pelosi, and Reid Won’t Quit Pushing Health Care Reform If they can impose government-run health care, they’ll establish the framework for Democratic dominance for years to come, even if that means short-term election losses. March 7, 2010 - by J. Robert Smith Page 1 of 2 Next -> View as Single PageThe current push for government-run health care via the nuclear option and last week’s Blair House TV snooze-orama are clear demonstrations that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid share Vladimir Lenin’s tenacity to impose radical change where it’s not welcome — in fact, where there’s downright hostility to change by a solid majority of Americans. And make no mistake, Lenin was first and foremost about the will to power. Gale winds of public disapproval may be blowing against proposed government-run health care and its proponents, but Obama and congressional Democratic leaders