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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

6 Reasons Healthcare Reform Won't Pass

• Reuters
Reuters reporter James Pethokoukis cites 6 reasons from a thought-provoking, well researched opinion piece by Sector & Sovreign analyst Richard Evans on why healthcare reform legislation will not pass the Senate.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Healthcare should not pass as it is drafted because it is simply another massive bail out.  This time, they're transferring the wealth from the working class to the insurance companies.

Comment by Trouser Chili
Entered on:

These are the stand-down orders from the New World Order.  While the mainstream media contrives BS about why this bill won't pass the senate, thus getting everyone to let down their guard, the senate will pass the bill.  Then the sheople will ask how it could have happened.

I can see this from a mile away.  Of course, I hope I'm wrong!