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Philosophy of Liberty

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Critical thinking is an essential human skill, but it is little-taught. Once upon a time critical thinking courses were held to be essential, but they have since vanished from schoolrooms, either rolled into optional Logic courses (which are deathly

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Jacob Horngerger - FFF

With the presidential election nearing, it's important to remind ourselves of an important fact, one that Democrats and Republicans and their supporters in the mainstream press fail to realize: Democracy is not freedom.

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It struck me some time ago that the people we think of as "geniuses" tend to arrive, over time, at surprisingly similar sets of conclusions. It further strikes me that a simple list of such thoughts might be of value.

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Jacob Horngerger - FFF

One thing is for sure: the road to freedom lies not in reform measures, which necessarily leave infringements on liberty intact. The road to freedom lies in making the case for liberty, which necessarily entails repealing infringements on liberty.

Article Image - Andrew Serafini

Healthy American//Patriot Empowerment, Election Integrity Project California// Your Vote Counts, Medical Choice & Freedom//Knowledge is Power, 76th California State Assembly Candidate// Go Red, Interview w/ Dr J - Plague of Corruption//Plandemic 2020

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Truth Stream Media

The Gordian Knot is a legend of Phrygian Gordium associated with Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem (untying an impossibly tangled knot) solved easily by finding an approach to the problem that renders the

Article Image - By Laurence M. Vance

Libertarianism is not and does not pretend to be a complete moral, or aesthetic theory; it is only a political theory, that is, the important subset of moral theory that deals with the proper role of violence in social life.

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Press for Truth - Bitchute

While covering the 2020 Freedom Rally in Vancouver Dan Dicks of Press For Truth gave an impromptu speech with words of advice for how to fight back against governmental oppression in the post COVID-19(84) nightmare that we've all awoken to!

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Bluecat Media

"I'm pretty appalled at what's going on.. at the cowardice, you sitting there with masks on, I don't blame you for wearing masks because I would be hiding my face too if I were you. Right now we're being peaceful… but not for much longer"