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Philosophy of Liberty

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Whatever complaints we may have about the US Constitution, it's hard not to appreciate this phrase in its preamble: [to] secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity…

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Anthropologists say that humans became human about 200,000 years ago. Evolutionists say this was the result of a million years or so of evolution. Creationists say it was the result of creation. For purposes of this commentary, it doesn't matter

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In the first editions of A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, I included several essays that I cared a great deal about. In the second edition (now available), I took them back out. I feel that a novel is best standing on its own. But I don't want the essay

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Recently on the social-media circuits, a short video of individuals smashing solar panels has been shared with much eagerness. The narrative quoted above the video has ranged from a condemnation of Islam, the third world, low IQ demographics, and Afr

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Steven Pinker's article below continues the theme of his earlier fact-laden book, "The Better Angels of Our Nature," which detailed the tremendous progress around the world due to the Enlightenment, as measured by key indices.

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You're likely aware that I'm a libertarian. But I'm actually more than a libertarian. I don't believe in the right of the State to exist. The reason is that anything that has a monopoly of force is extremely dangerous. As Mao Tse-tung, lately

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There's something about being young, especially if you can feel young and righteous at the same time. The combination is potent and intoxicating. It's a shame more people haven't experienced it.

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Attempting to solve problems at the level at which they are manifesting creates a better problem rather than a solution. Peace will not be realized in a reality governed by those who sanction torture.

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I firmly believe that politics and politicians are NOT the answer--no matter who is in the White House (including the current occupant) or which party controls Congress. A return to the principles of Natural Law, a return to Reformation preaching (a

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FEE - by Tricia Beck-Peter

FEE launched our Campus Ambassador Program in January 2017. Today, we have 108 Campus Ambassadors in 11 countries representing FEE in their communities. FEE Campus Ambassadors earn points for distributing FEE materials and hosting events to empower a

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Recently, a group of young people from an organization called Young Patriots For Liberty (YPL) asked to interview me. I was happy to oblige. I am always excited when I see young people getting involved in the political process--especially Christian

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Libertarians and others who seek to be left alone to run their own lives habitually ask themselves the above question regarding their government.

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Richard Boddie

As a founder of the Libertarian Party and editor-in-chief of California Liberty [back in the 1990s], I am often asked how to tell if someone is "really" a libertarian. There are probably as many different definitions of the word "libertarian" as ther

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When was the last time you tasted the sublime?...When did you last feel wonder?...Can you remember feeling awed by something?...These are things we need, if we are to thrive. They are fuel for the higher human abilities. If we lack them, as is curren
