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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

09-05-17 -- Colin Cantrell - Ron Paul - Paul Rosenberg - Davi Barker - Tim Picciott -- (LOADED)

Colin Cantrell (Nexus Developer) comes in studio to talk about the Nexus digital currency; Nexus Conf Sept 21st-23rd 2017 in Aspen - Ron Paul on Trump/Afghanistan/N Korea/Russia - Paul Rosenberg (Freeman's Perspective) on various liberty issues

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: V • Time: Minutes

Hour 1 --  Colin Cantrell (Nexus Developer) comes in studio to talk about on the Nexus digital currency; Nexus Conf Sept 21st-23rd 2017 in Aspen; Tim Picciott (The Libertarian Advisor) in studio participates in the discussion

Hour 2 --   Colin Cantrell (Cont'd); Ron Paul on Trump/Afghanistan/N Korea/Russia; Tim Picciott (The Libertarian Advisor) in studio participates in the discussion

Hour 3 --  Paul Rosenberg (Freeman's Perspective) on various liberty issues; Colin Cantrell (Cont'd); Tim Picciott (The Libertarian Advisor) in studio participates in the discussion

Hour 4 (BONUS) --  Colin Cantrell (Nexus Developer), Tim Picciott (The Libertarian Advisor), and Davi Barker (The Muslim Agorist) all in studio to discuss Nexus Earth cryptocoin and also the decentralized philosophy is the way of the future...

AND BONUS INTERVIEW FROM 07-19-17 --  Colin Cantrell (Nexus Developer) stayed after the show to continue his interview with Ernest on the finer points of cryptocurrencies (after 19+ hours, the final podcast was edited to 6 hours)...

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September 5th, 2017

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 







Hour 1

2017-09-05 Hour 1 Colin Cantrell, Tim Picciott, Davi Barker from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Colin Cantrell

Colin is an entrepreneur and innovator who used his years of experience in the aerospace industry and 13+ years of Software Engineering to develop the necessary solutions for the growth of the technological base of Crypto Currencies. Since 2014 he has been developing Nexus, after becoming involved in Bitcoin in early 2013. He also is researching and developing new energy systems that will contribute to more sustainability in the future including hydrogen, electromagnetics, provides humanity with the technology that lowers our cost of life while increases the quality of life.




Colin's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:




Nexus Earth - Decentralized Currency Project looking to distribute networks fairly worldwide via infrastructure such as cube satellites in space.

Nexus - Building the infrastructure for a new monetary system using satellites and software to distribute digital currency.


Nexus seeks to Free humankind from centralized systems. Being decentralized is not merely enough. We must decentralize the decentralization. Using software and hardware, Nexus seeks to build the foundation for the most decentralized system to ever be developed: Nexus Earth. This network will empower everyone from the first world to the third world. Not everyone has money, but everyone has time. The time has come to decentralize everything. The foundations of cryptocurrency should be built upon decentralized principles. Nexus seeks to fulfill this mission. 

Peer to Peer Networks

Nexus Connects Us

Nexus is a decentralized, worldwide network distributed through three channels of security to allow for fast, secure, and decentralized transactions. These three security channels for Nexus include Prime Mining, Hash Mining, and Nexus Proof of Stake (nPOS).


Coming Together

Consensus in Nexus is made more robust by combining the votes across three channels: The Prime block producers; the Hash block producers; and the Staking block producers (interest-based nodes).  In this way, Nexus has layers of the network that check and balance each other to prevent one layer from becoming too powerful and inhibiting the security of the network.


Building Trust on Trustless Networks

The reputation of Nodes (computers in the Peer-to-Peer Network) and corresponding Trust Keys (addresses that receive interest payments) is established by their honest contributions of Time, Weight, and Trust on the network. These Trust Keys become very valuable as it takes a great deal of effort to build Trust. Currently the interest rate is a variable rate that increases from 0.5% to 3% within one year the longer you build Trust on the Network..


Being the Most Secure

In addition to checks and balances in consensus and Trust Keys, along with Network recognized Reputation to provide greater security and network stability, Nexus also has Quantum Computer Resistant Private Keys with 571-bit encryption (much more secure than Bitcoin). This means, Nexus serves the WORLD as the most secure cryptocurrency to date.


Building Foundation for the Future

Currently in development is a new data structure that allows the scaling of a blockchain network to better compete with, and eventually replace, current financial transaction systems, as well as less efficient databases. This new data architecture will allow the Nexus Network to grow and adapt to process increasing numbers of transactions as additional capacity is required by the network.


Working with High Tech Industries

Nexus is actively building relationships within the aerospace industry to allow the hardware infrastructure to be compatible with its transaction system. Nexus is building the foundation to broadcast the blockchain and Nexus Network from space. Under existing hardware infrastructure, cryptocurrency is technically at the mercy of telecommunication and government technology industries. With both the development of software and hardware, Nexus seeks to free men from centralized financial institutions.


Nexus Conference

September 21st-23rd 2017

Davi Barker

The Muslim Agorist

Hour 2

Media Type: V • Time: Minutes

Hour 2 --   Colin Cantrell (Cont'd); Ron Paul on Trump/Afghanistan/N Korea/Russia



Hour 2

2017-09-05 Hour 2 Ron Paul, Colin Cantrell, Davi Barker, Tim Picciott from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Colin Cantrell (In Studio - Cont'd)

Ron Paul

Ron comes on to talk about his participation in the Nexus Earth Conference; Also, Trump, Afghanistan, N Korea, World News...


Hour 3

Media Type: V • Time: Minutes

Hour 3 --  Paul Rosenberg (Freeman's Perspective) on various liberty issues; Colin Cantrell (Cont'd)

Hour 4 (BONUS) --  Colin Cantrell (Nexus Developer), Tim Picciott (The Libertarian Advisor), and Davi Barker (The Muslim Agorist) all in studio to discuss Nexus Earth cryptocoin and also the decentralized philosophy is the way of the future...

AND BONUS INTERVIEW FROM 07-19-17 --  Colin Cantrell (Nexus Developer) stayed after the show to continue his interview with Ernest on the finer points of cryptocurrencies (after 19+ hours, the final podcast was edited to 6 hours)...


Hour 3

2017-09-05 Hour 3 Paul Rosenberg, Colin Cantrell, Davi Barker from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Colin Cantrell (In Studio - Cont'd)

Paul Rosenberg

Freeman's Perspective


Paul Rosenberg knows a lot about a lot of things. A lifestyle capitalist with a broad range of interests and experiences under his belt, current passions include philosophy, theology, history, psychology, and physics. This diverse interest base is reflected in his extensive repertoire of published titles, including A Lodging of Wayfaring MenThe Words of the Founders, and Production Versus Plunder, not to mention 55 engineering and construction books.

Prior to this, his highly successful engineering career saw him called as an expert witness in numerous legal cases and recruited as a consultant to a number of high profile organizations, such as NASA and the US military. He developed and taught 19 continuing education courses for Iowa State University's College of Engineering. He also co-founded the Fiber Optic Association and wrote the first ever standard for the installation of fiber optic cables.

Paul Rosenberg has been featured on or at:

Project To Restore America

Casey Research

Zero Hedge



The Daily Paul

Early to Rise

Story Leak

Expat World

International Man

The Burning Platform

Global Wealth Protection

Freedom Fest


Freedom's Phoenix



Paul's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:




Colin Cantrell

AND BONUS INTERVIEW FROM 07-19-17 --  Colin Cantrell (Nexus Developer) stayed after the show to continue his interview with Ernest on the finer points of cryptocurrencies (after 19+ hours, the final podcast was edited to 6 hours):


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