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Philosophy of Liberty

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Three recent stories regarding three government agencies -- the IRS, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) -- show why we should oppose big government for practical, as well as philosophical,

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For thousands of years, we've been made to believe that our wills were flawed and that using them was wrong. As a result, most people won't act to liberate themselves. Rather, they wait for the world to become better and to carry them along. A hundre

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If what we often hear is true and “Liberty truly needs heroes” then Poland should be examined with exceptional care since no other country had so many fine, liberty-loving men and women giving up their careers, safety and sometimes lives in our q

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You know the official story about the world that we?re supposed to believe? You know - that governments are always good and necessary, that politicians only do what they do because they love us so very much, that the police only exist to serve and pr

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As a result, most of us hurry through life, never knowing why. We live as others do, simply because that path is streamlined for us, exposing us to a minimal level of fear and shame. But that path does something else: It keeps us from experiencing ou

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Name whatever strengths and weaknesses one wants to ascribe to the other presidential candidates, but the only constitutionalist in the race was Senator Rand Paul. And now that he has suspended his campaign, it leaves the field void of a voice for co

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I've been a wild advocate for the Internet since the beginning, and I still believe in it as a massively liberating technology… but not in the current, popular form.