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Philosophy of Liberty

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Matt Papke

write you today to plead for your liberty. As you have read in the news there are major shifts occurring in our national government and beyond. The ability for non-US interests to influence elections and therefore our elected officials is greater tha

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You know the official story about the world that we?re supposed to believe? You know - that governments are always good and necessary, that politicians only do what they do because they love us so very much, that the police only exist to serve and pr

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The place where our Savior was born and lived has been under attack, as have surrounding countries such as Syria and Iraq, where many Christians are being driven from their ancestral homelands or even undergoing martyrdom. While we pray for peace in

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I know you say you love freedom. Virtually everyone says they love and value freedom. Even such murderous villains as Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein claimed to love or advocate freedom.

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In the colossal movie, "Braveheart" (1995), Mel Gibson's character, Scottish freedom-fighter, William Wallace, gave, without a doubt, the greatest war speech in movie history. The men of Scotland were facing a vastly superior number of English

Article Image, PFAW Foundation

Robin Williams portrays the American flag in "I Love Liberty," a two-hour television special created by Norman Lear and presented by People For the American Way.

Article Image, By Jessica Pavoni

On the occasion of his 79th birthday, I thought it appropriate to share how Dr. Ron Paul has impacted my life in a very personal manner.

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Liberty.Me/Jeffrey Tucker

People rightly have a fear of government, but when you look at the track record, something becomes rather obvious. Government can restrict our options but ultimately cannot control our volition. A persistent desire to live free triumphs over all atte

Article Image, By Laurence M. Vance

Can anyone with respect for individual liberty, private property, and morality be a cop?

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Farm Wars

Freedom is scary. Responsibility is scary. It's easier to blindly follow and not have to think, because if you do, you might bear some responsibility for your actions.

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This article is really a letter to my Grandchildren,… but since we share our lives openly with our friends, I’m sure our friends and supporters won’t mind, and our children will likely only roll their collective eyes a little bit.

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As people worry a new world war may rise out of Ukraine, RPI Advisory Board Member Lew Rockwell proposes Wednesday on the Tom Woods Show that the creation of central banks makes world wars possible. Rockwell's comments regarding central banking are m

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Ernest and Donna Hancock share their list of movies they feel has helped people to understand, explain, and learn about freedom and liberty, while also predicting what the future holds in store for us based on an knowledge of how the 'bad guys' think

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Children are often taught that government protects our life, liberty, and property, but could it be true that some laws actually allow people to hurt us and take our things? Join Ethan and Emily Tuttle as they learn about property, pirates, and plund

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Well, it would seem so; the collapse of the financial system that now seems to depend on rapid changes to the value of currencies around the planet. The overthrowing of governments. The exposing and subsequent disgust at the financial sector bonuses,

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Most Agorists have one foot in the counter economy, and the other in some day job. We’re like superheroes with a secret identity. But the key to putting both feet in the counter economy is taking the initiative, soliciting feedback, and making a prof
