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Philosophy of Liberty

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

Brexit is one of the most historically significant events of recent times. It was the precursor to Trump, it heralded the populist movement across Europe, and it was the first moment that the world realized that the ideology of globalism was not a fi

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The Serfdom State of Mind focuses on the desire for safety and security… of remaining clear of blame… to the detriment of self-reliance and living as a free and independent moral agent.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams take a look back at a really productive 2019 in the liberty movement. Contrary to the wishes of the warmongers and control freaks, the voices for peace and prosperity got a little louder this year. We at the Ron Paul Insti

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Dan Bongino - Bongino.Com

In this episode, I interview Candace Owens about the status of race relations, and about her new book "Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation"

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Please believe me that the coolest things happen outside, and not within the hierarchies of the status quo. Trudging along in the middle of the crowd is a recipe for a boring life.

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Dennis Prager - Fireside Chat

It's a common question: How do you stay happy when our liberties and freedoms (particularly on college campuses) are under attack? Dennis weighs in in this latest Fireside Chat.

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The Organic Prepper by Daisy Luther

A term coined in 1985 by an unnamed staffer of the Reagan administration was "Starve the Beast". This referred to a fiscally conservative political strategy to cut government spending by paying less in taxes.

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This podcast (published originally in an appendix to A Lodging of Wayfaring Men) was composed twenty years ago, while working in a difficult and even dangerous cypherpunk project.

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By the way, young people are not taught about the evils of the Left, only its myths. They do not believe there were gigantic atrocities in the Lenin-Stalin Soviet Union, nor Mao's China. Socialism is good! Everyone is better off under socialism. Ev

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Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day [Independence Day]? . . . Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linke