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Philosophy of Liberty

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It's something of a truism in physics that closed systems tend toward entropy. In other words, building walls around a process will make it degrade faster than it normally would. And this principle clearly applies beyond physics.

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Each hurdle we pass, each trial we endure and come out with our skin intact is another giant slain. David practiced with his herd of sheep, and we practice daily with every decision we make - whether we are going to stand and face the threat...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The major candidates all miss the real issues in the 2016 campaign. Both parties for the most part subscribe to the idea that the government must take away your liberties to "take care" of you. Authoritarians are rising on the Left and Right. Reject

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The Daily Bell - Ron Paul

In a free society, individuals must respect the right of others to make their own choices free from government coercion. However they do not have to approve of those choices. Individuals are free to use peaceful persuasion to stop others from engagin

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The Daily Bell

Many people otherwise favoring unfettered freedom will qualify their position with an inevitable "but" -- "but we need government to provide physical security and dispute resolution, the most critical services of all."

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

This week the Mises Institute holds its annual summer economics program for college students. The Liberty Report checks in with Mises Institute president Jeff Deist about the Institute and the importance of educating the next generation of free marke

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Last week, I posted an article entitled "Man Is Not Always Blind." And quite understandably, I received comments from readers who disagreed.

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"Eloquent. Extraordinary. Timeless. Paradigm-shifting. Classic. Half a century after it first appeared, Leonard Read's 'I, Pencil' still evokes such adjectives of praise. Rightfully so, for this little essay opens eyes and minds among people

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Our present government/corporate culture the loud, flashing, vapid cloud of distraction and fear that surrounds us not only promotes blindness toward anything outside of itself, but requires this blindness for its very continuance; this is tr

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Peacekeeper - Indiegogo

Peacekeeper is the world's first decentralized, peer-to-peer private protection system. We aim to build a new smartphone app, Peacekeeper 2.0...It will be a superior protection networking technology, an amazing alternative to the status quo. It wil

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