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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

09-11-15 -- Dave Hodges - Max Hernandez - Jeremiah Rounds, Neil Radimaker (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)

Dave Hodges (The Common Sense Show) provides and update on JADE HELM & the Police State - Max Hernandez (Author Thieves Emporium) on the fight for liberty - Jeremiah Rounds and Neil Radimaker on the making of 'Liberty' Documentary
Media Type: Audio • Time: 192 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Dave Hodges

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 192 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Dave Hodges

Hour 1 -- Dave Hodges (The Common Sense Show) provides and update on JADE HELM & the Police State

 Hour 2 -- Max Hernandez (Author Thieves Emporium) on the fight for liberty

 Hour 3 -- Jeremiah Rounds and Neil Radimaker on the making of 'Liberty' Documentary

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


September 11th, 2015

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

Dave Hodges

The Common Sense Show



Dave's Recent Articles/Shows:

A victim of the Phoenix I-10 shootings.Phoenix Braces for a Possible False a Flag Attack on 9/11

As I made my rounds around people in the know, over the past couple of days, regarding the I-10 shootings, I have concluded that many are very worried that Phoenix will be the site of the next big false flag event. This article details what is known and follows an obvious evidence trail to some very disturbing conclusions. The I-10 Sniper(s) On September 10, 2015, ..

Red List NewsRed List News- Garbage Trucks Spying On You, Medical Kidnapping

On episode 19 of Red List News, Dave goes deep with analysis concerning our increasing rush to World War 3, and how we are now closer than ever to conflict. Covering the institutional kidnapping arena, Jim next highlights how one NY hospital admitted to taking "medical custody" of children whose parents refuse newborn vaccines. Following up, FEMA and their true intentions are exposed as Dave ..

3. Churchix Identifies their FacesThe Next Tool of Tyranny and Enslavement Is Coming From Your Pastor and FEMA

Many who have followed the writings on this site are all too familiar with how the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA have turned your pastor into an agent of the state. And as such, your pastor has been trained to invoke Romans 13 in order to enforce compliance with government edicts, no mater how draconian, in a time of national emergency. Many of the ..

The Russians are increasing the size of their nuclear submarine fleet at the same time we are reducing.  These Russian subs are being deployed.World War III Will Begin in Syria

Not since the Cuban Missile Crisis has the world been this close to World War III. The events are leading the superpowers to put their military assets in close proximity to each other. All that is needed is a spark. Willl Assad of Syria become the modern day Arch Duke? The Continuing Chain of Provacative Events Leading to World War III The chain of events ..

radio transmissionRed List News- Christian Persecution in Dearborn, Dismal Economic Outlook, Putin Over Obama

On episode 17 of Red List News, Dave goes deep with the sustained Muslim invasion of America and Sharia Law in Dearborn, Michigan. Next, Jim provides an update on the fourth explosion in China, and how coincidence can now be ruled-out. Dave covers the many benefits of being a pet owner with his next report, while Jim highlights the latest move in the ..

Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan where Muslim extremists targeted Christians.Sharia Law Is Replacing the U.S. Constitution

Yes, we should be concerned about how Islam is being exported in a wholesale fashion to the modern nations of the world. Muslims have before have settled in European countries before and with disastrous results.   As the world fixates on Muslim migration throughout Europe, we are losing sight of what is happening in our own backyard. As we fixate, courtesy of the mainstream media, the ..

radio transmissionRed List News-Mike Adams Interview on World War III and Threats to Humanity

Two weeks ago, I interviewed Health Ranger and editor of Natural News, Mike Adams about the apparent space weapon attack launched against China by our own Pentagon.  Over the same amount of time, new developments have come to light that can do nothing but inflame the already strained relationships between China, Russia and America.  With that backdrop, we welcome Mike Adams back on ..

The instant loss of credibility.New Technology Helps the Elite Survive, Everyone Else Will Sit In the Dark and Die

Doug Hagmann and I have had conversations regarding the use of an EMP on American soil as a means to bring this country to its knees. For the past two years, I have seen what I believed to be clear and unmistakable signs that the United States was going to be the victim of a massive EMP strike that would leave 90% of all ..




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Arizona's Top News
DPS confirms 11th vehicle shooting in Phoenix
09-10-2015  •  Fox10 Phoenix 
The Arizona Department of Public Safety is investigating a series of possible shootings on valley freeways on Thursday.


PHOENIX (AP) -- Arizona authorities confirmed Thursday that 11 vehicles area have been shot with bullets or other projectiles in the last two weeks, nearly all of them on freeways in the Phoenix area.

The latest confirmed shooting involved a commercial truck whose driver reported a bullet hole in the cargo area Thursday morning. The driver had been making deliveries for hours, and wasn't sure when or where the truck was shot, Arizona Department of Public Safety spokesman Raul Garcia said.

Most of the vehicles hit since the gunfire began on Aug. 29 were traveling on Interstate 10, a main route through central and west Phoenix. No one has been seriously injured, but one bullet shattered a windshield, and broken glass cut a 13-year-old girl.

"Anytime that you have multiple shootings against American citizens on a highway, that's terrorism," Department of Public Safety Director Frank Milstead said. "It's just a matter of time before there is a tragedy."

Authorities also were studying a tractor-trailer rig at a location near I-10 and a car whose window was severely cracked Thursday, but those results weren't conclusive, Garcia said.


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Are We Silently at War with China? 4th Explosion Rocks Country After Currency Devaluation
09-10-2015  •  TruthStreamMedia 
Now a FOURTH series of explosions has hit China after it very purposefully devalued its currency a few weeks ago…

Our media keeps acting like China just randomly blows up all the time, and China is silencing journalists and bloggers with jail who even attempt to report on what's happening there, but… Like Mike Adams of Natural News wrote, "One explosion is an accident; four is sabotage."

The Wall Street banksters only hold their power over everyone if the USD maintains World Reserve Currency status. Well nothing lasts forever…

Read Mike Adams' series on these explosions over at Natural News:

BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation… Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing

China retaliates? Massive explosion rips through U.S. military ammunitions storage facility near Tokyo; sabotage device found on the scene


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Politics: Democratic Campaigns
Bernie Sanders Has a Fan in the James Bond Actor Daniel Craig
09-10-2015  • 
Hillary Rodham Clinton has been busy rounding up Democratic endorsements, but her chief rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, can now boast a powerful supporter of his own: James Bond.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has been busy rounding up Democratic endorsements, but her chief rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, can now boast a powerful supporter of his own: James Bond.

Well, not the British sleuth himself, but Daniel Craig, the actor who plays him. Mr. Craig recently made a $47,300 donation to a "super PAC" that supports Mr. Sanders, according to the Center for Public Integrity.


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One Censored Account of a Tianjin Explosion Survivor
09-10-2015  • 
'Foreign Policy' claims the following excerpt is from a now deleted, censored account of someone who survived the Tianjin explosion from only blocks away.

Foreign Policy claims the following excerpt is from a now deleted, censored account of someone who survived the Tianjin explosion from only blocks away.

It has been reported that the Chinese government is hurrying to jail bloggers and journalists who try and talk about the Tianjin explosion, and this narrative of government "sweepers" going through everyone's home and quick payoffs with shady contracts certainly seems to support that.

With four different explosions now in a matter of weeks and no credible explanations from any government or mainstream media outlet, what is really going on over there?

Via Foreign Policy:

On Sept. 7, an anonymous user of social media platform Weibo posted what claims to be a first-hand account of the explosion, from a home merely blocks away. The author has not responded to a Weibo message seeking comment, and Foreign Policy has not been able to verify the account's particulars. But the narrative caused much discussion in Chinese social media, with over 80,000 shares, before it was deleted. The detailed essay depicts robust and generous grassroots citizen response in the wake of the explosion, while sharply criticizing the local government's treatment of survivors and their families. In an indication at the sensitivity surrounding the Tianjin disaster, the most popular comments urge the writer, who says she will enroll at a U.S. college, to leave China quickly — and, perhaps, stay away. Below, FP translates, with edits for length and clarity.


It's been almost a month since the explosion in Tianjin, and after sustaining injuries in the blast, I'm finally out of the hospital. Although I'm weaker than before, and my wounds are still healing, I'm finally able to return to something like a normal life — if this very altered existence can still be called normal.

I'm a Tianjin native, and except for three years in a Beijing high school, I've lived my whole life in Tanggu [which has been absorbed into Binhai]. When the incident occurred, I was living in Vanke Harbor City — the closest area to the explosion. I'm from a middle class home. We own one apartment — we sold the other one so I could study abroad. My mother and father both work at a state-owned enterprise as low-level employees. I was supposed to enroll in Swarthmore College [in Pennsylvania] Aug. 20, but I've had to defer.


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50 US Spies expose How Their Reports are Cooked to Manipulate the Public about ISIS
09-10-2015  • 
The analysts are assigned to U.S. CENTCOM, but are officially employed by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence branch of the Pentagon.

More than 50 U.S. military intelligence analysts operating out of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) have staged what has been called a 'revolt' by intelligence professionals. The revolt comes after announcing that their intelligence reports were being altered and manipulated to fit the public narrative that the U.S. is winning the battle against ISIS.

The analysts are assigned to U.S. CENTCOM, but are officially employed by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence branch of the Pentagon.

"The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command," one defense official told The Daily Beast.

The disturbing revelations came after more than 50 intelligence analysts filed formal complaints, causing the Pentagon's inspector general to open an investigation into the matter.


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WAR: About that War
Iran Sends Soldiers To Support Russian Troops In Syria
09-10-2015  • 

When Zero Hedge first reported ten days ago that Russian troops, in their bid to support the Assad regime in its ongoing confrontation with various ISIS, Al Nusra, and other US-supported groups in what has become the proxy war of 2015 (one which even comes with thousands of refugees for dramatic media impact) had been quietly massing in Syria and have set up a forward operating base near Damascus, there were those who were openly skeptical.

Then, just a few hours ago, Bloomberg finally confirmed that "top officials were scheduled to meet at the National Security Council Deputies Committee level to discuss how to respond to the growing buildup of Russian military equipment and personnel in Latakia" and that Russia is "set to start flying combat missions from a new air base inside Syria."

So yes, for whatever reason (and the reason as we explained is clear: natural gas pipelines) Russia is making not only its increasing support for Assad known, but also that it is in Syria and that any further US-funded and supported incursions by ISIS or whatever is the media scapegoat terrorist organization du jour, will not be tolerated.

To be sure, none of this is in any way a surprise to the US - just as the US is using ISIS as a pretext to invade or pressure any mid-east nation it desires "in order to hold the jihadist terrorist scourge", so Russia is now using ISIS as a comparable excuse to intervene. After all, if ISIS is the friend of humanity, then surely Russian aid will be welcome. That it is not, had made it abundantly clear that not only is ISIS just a convenient diversion, but the reasons for a Syrian invasion and deposition of Assad, are purely political and entirely in the realm of real-politik. Also, Russia's return to Syria in greater numbers is no surprise to anyone in the Pentagon - this was merely the long-awaited escalation of the foreplay that started when ISIS mysteriously emerged on the scene just over a year ago.


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U.S. to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees: White House
09-10-2015  •  Reuters 
President Barack Obama has directed his administration to prepare to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, the White House said on Thursday.

It is the first specific commitment the United States has made toward increasing its acceptance of refugees from the war-torn country.

Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the United States has taken in 1,500 refugees, with 300 more expected to be cleared by October.

But refugee advocates and some members of Congress said taking in an additional 10,000 refugees did not go far enough toward addressing the humanitarian crisis triggered by the war, which has prompted a massive refugee influx into Europe.

In a letter distributed to House members and seen by Reuters, Democratic Representative David Cicilline asked Obama to accommodate 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016. Religious groups have called for the United States to accept 100,000 Syrian refugees.


Dave's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:

Hour 2

Guests: Max Hernandez

Hour 2

Max Hernandez

Author, Thieves Emporium

Thieves Emporium is being offered as a free unabridged serial on The Daily Bell.It is also available at Amazon, Nook, iBooks, Smashwords, and Kobo.

Previous installments of Thieves Emporium are available here: Introduction/Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8. - See more at:

Available on Amazon Now:




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Police State
DHS Targets Library for Supporting Anonymous Internet Browsing
09-10-2015  • 
A library in New Hampshire caught the attention of the Department of Homeland Security recently after joining a project aimed at protecting the privacy of Internet users across the globe.

As reported by Propublica's Julia Angwin, the incident began last July after the Kilton Public Library in Lebanon, New Hampshire, became the first in the country to set up a Tor exit relay under the Library Freedom Project. This allows users of the Tor browser to hide their true location, and if used correctly their identity as well, by having their Internet traffic routed through random relays all over the world.

"This is an idea whose time has come; libraries are our most democratic public spaces, protecting our intellectual freedom, privacy, and unfettered access to information, and Tor Project creates software that allows all people to have these rights on the internet," the project's website states.

Law enforcement in New Hampshire, who learned of the library's involvement from a DHS special agent in Boston who read news articles on the project, reached out to Lebanon Public Libraries Director Sean Fleming shortly after the relay began operating.

"The Department of Homeland Security got in touch with our Police Department," Fleming told Propublica.

Hour 3

Hour 3

Jeremiah Rounds and Neil Radimaker

Jeremiah Rounds

Producer / Cinematographer / Editor.

10661671_10152701396857472_3074398610944769166_oVice President of Collective Minds Media, writer, director, producer, cinematographer, editor, and all around artist; Jeremiah has filled nearly every role possible on set at some point in his career. He has worked with such well-known talent as Nicolas Cage, Elijah Wood, Carlos Santana, and Wyclef Jean. He has created content for such prestigious companies as Dodge, Samsung, Molycorp, and Harley Davidson. His body of work crosses all genres, from narrative film to documentaries, from commercials to music videos, from event videography to corporate training videos, from shorts to features to entire video series –he's done it all.

Shortly after high school, Jeremiah joined the US Navy and served as an Electrician's Mate (Nuclear Field), aboard the ballistic missile submarine USS Maine (SSBN 741). During his training in Nuclear Power School, he discovered a love for hard science that, perhaps paradoxically, perfectly complemented his lifelong love and talent for the visual arts. Upon his honorable discharge, he set out on a quest to learn all that he could in as many fields as possible, which eventually led to a Bachelor of the Arts degree in (unsurprisingly) Liberal Arts.

For most of his life, Jeremiah had little interest in politics. However, during Ron Paul's 2008 bid for presidency, he learned that not all politicians are liars, criminals, and corporate shills. Dr. Paul's campaign inspired him enough to join the cause in 2012, when he served as a Republican Delegate for Clark County, Nevada. After the party's shameful antics at the RNC, he has since become a proud RiNO (Republican in Name Only), because the rules in his district would not allow him to vote in most regional elections, were he to register as a third party. Still, he furthers the cause of liberty in his own small ways while rejecting nearly all politicians – without regard to political affiliation.

Neil Radimaker

Director / Cinematographer / Co-Editor.

1468596_10153504586975048_1605797777_nVoluntaryist, agorist, Anarcho-capitalist, call him what you will. This man supports the core of liberty to the fullest. A Photographer, Editor, Videographer, Designer, and consultant by trade, he wears many hats in this life. Neil also helps many actavist develop liberty minded collaboration networks. In his spare time Neil can be found advising and producing content for more than a few liberty minded activists. Neil holds key positions within the ranks of The Conscious Resistance Network, Liberty Movement Radio and Uncorporate Media.

Neil brings an exclusive vision to his projects with an educated and engaging sense of humor. This unique approach along with his polymathic nature is what makes his style so exclusive.

Neil's videography and editing skills are top notch; he is a jack of all trades, drawing inspiration from a myriad of skills to exemplify his well-rounded expertise and insight in the production industry. Sprinkle all that with some professional OCD, an ardent attention to detail, and an unorthodox approach to creative thought, the results are always satisfyingly unpredictable.

Neil has shot for networks such as MTV, True TV, Animal Planet, Epix, and Kcal 9 of CBS; not to mention his involvement with the 2011 Latin Grammys. He has even shot television pilot episodes for Paul Crook's "Superstar Guitar", Sleepy Brown's "Sleepy Vegas" and "Operation Repo".

He has such a keen eye that he has even talent scouted for a VH1 Fashion Show. His filming experience doesn't end there; Neil has produced content for over a dozen well-known and reputable corporations including McAfee, US Airways, Volkswagen, Honda, GMC, Stanley Steamer, Konami Gaming, and Advantage Rent-A-Car.

Neil has worked alongside, and studied under, famed photographer Shane O'Neal. He has also collaborated with other well-known photographers such as Mike Prado, Dominic Petruzzi, and Isaac Madera, as well as industry producers and directors such as Scott Colthorp, Aaron Wilder and Rod Roddenberry.


About the film

Liberty is a documentary film exploring the "liberty movement" in the United States and the aftermath of the Ron Paul revolution. With the 2016 presidential election cycle on the horizon, and the rise in popularity and acceptance of the "liberty movement", there is no better time for a documentary film that explores the notion of "liberty", what it has meant for the development of the current political climate, and how the re-embracing of its ideals can positively affect all Americans, regardless of political affiliation. Through interviews and b-roll collected during a 30 day road-trip style production, the filmmakers will explore Libertarianism in its varied forms, uncover the schisms that divide its current adherents, and positively influence the future of the movement by unifying its constituents through a common alliance under its core principles.

Liberty is the precept upon which the forefathers founded this country, fighting against the tyranny and rule of the British monarchy, sacrificing their very lives in order to give all future generations a place to live free and prosper. Many ideologies which uphold liberty as a fundamental value also adhere to a philosophy known as the Non-Aggression Axiom (also called the "Non-Aggression Principle" or NAP). NAP is the idea that each person has the right to make his or her own choices in life so long as they do not involve aggression – which is defined as the initiation of force or fraud against others. It is considered by many to be the cornerstone principle of libertarianism. Thus, liberty can be defined simply as the freedom to make choices, to live our lives in the way that we feel is right -for ourselves, for our families, and for our nation.

The liberty movement has held strong through years of government lies, political corruption, and illegal wars. It broke numerous fundraising records during Ron Paul's 2008 & 2012 campaigns in the midst of an economic catastrophe. Enduring administrations which have trampled our natural rights and ignored the governance of the United States Constitution, the liberty community has stood together and maintained the idea that all individuals deserve the freedom to choose their own path in life. Today, however, the liberty movement is a fragmented mess. Amid relentless infighting and the self-imposed isolation of closed off philosophies, we have forgotten what we all have in common: the desire to live free. This film will serve as a platform to expand the call to unification through liberty in today's increasingly apathetic age, and bring momentum back to a stagnating movement.

Liberty will consist of three chapters covering the history and future of the liberty movement.

Chapter One: The Past

Liberty will start where the main unification of the movement started (and, for some, ended as well): The Ron Paul Revolution. The movement has never been as closely knit as it was during Ron Paul's run for presidency during the campaign trail of 2012. Liberty will revisit some of the defining moments of the revolution, and their aftermath. Events such as the 2012 Republican National Convention (RNC), Paul-Fest, and the rally at the Sun Dome were moments without precedence in the history of American politics and have left an indelible imprint in the minds of Paul's supporters, for better or worse. We will be exploring some of the dirty tricks that were used to try to derail the liberty movement, the media blackout, and Paul's final attempts to be allowed a voice within the mainstream outlets leading up to the RNC. We will also examine some of the groups that were some of his biggest supporters: Oathkeepers, Liberty Candidates, C4L, YAL, RLC. Leaders from within those organizations, and those who were influenced by them, will expound upon their contributions to liberty and where they are now. We will examine how their views may have changed, what they learned from the experience, and how it has affected their struggle to further the cause of liberty since 2012.

Chapter Two: The Present

Post Ron Paul, the liberty movement has fragmented into dozens of factions, often at war with one another over the petty details which define their specific ideologies. Many within the movement have failed not only to spread, but even to maintain the fiery passion for liberty which was ignited during the Paul campaigns. Since then, it has smoldered and even been deliberately extinguished – sadly, often from within. The Infighting which has taken place inside the movement which was once united behind Paul, is probably the greatest hindrance to its expansion today. The spirit is still there, but it needs to be rekindled. Liberty will explore the stagnation within the movement and the many different pockets of identity it currently consists of. It will help bridge the gap of understanding between people who may not be familiar with these philosophies, their adherents, or even their existence. Above all, Liberty will serve as a reminder that the core values of all these myriad factions all have one thing in common: they are all based on the mutual foundation of Liberty. This film will remind them that they have more in common than they have differences. They all share the same enemy: tyrants, and those who would use coercion to satisfy their desires, justifying their crimes with unjust laws, and trampling on the natural rights that all humanity has been gifted with by the simple act of being born.

Chapter Three: The Future

Many have thrown in the towel on trying to change "the system" through playing by its rules – rejecting politics, campaigns, and even voting. They have transferred the energies once directed towards the political playing field toward strategies such as self-reliance, self-governance, and self-sustainability. However, the most hard core Anarcho-capitalists, Agorists, Voluntaryists, Tea Party Members, OathKeepers, Anonymous members (and their supporters), The Occupy Movement, Militia Members, Military Veterans, liberty loving statists, and liberty loving anarchists can all find a common ground in the one love they share: liberty. They united for Ron Paul, and they can be united once more, but solutions, strategies, and alternatives are needed now more than ever. In the final chapter of the film we will examine what some of the most prominent minds within the liberty movement have done, are now doing, and are planning to do to further the cause. This documentary will create a general consensus of where the future of the movement is headed, but more than that: Liberty will provide a clear path towards a bright and hopeful future where the spark of freedom can blaze within us all and ignite a fire of change that will spread across the nation to finally ensure "liberty, and justice for all".


Kickstarter just went live. Here is the link:

Liberty: A documentary about freedom in America

by Collective Minds Media


Here is the link to the six minute extended trailer. It digs a little deeper, and hits a little harder:

Liberty: Join Us for the Journey from Collective Minds Media on Vimeo.


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