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Philosophy of Liberty

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Hire courageous, free thinking and freedom loving individuals. Not ideologues whose only agenda is to weaponise your brand and business to further a radical cause.

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Eric Peters Auto

If you say no to something being pushed on you, you may avoid being forced to say yes to it eventually.

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Eric Peters Auto

A Diapered face is an NPC face. The acronym is a video-game reference. A Non Playable Character. That is, something without any free will, a construct that acts according to its programming.

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Jeffrey Tucker

It was an unusually spirited, emotional, and powerful gathering this time, mostly because it took place in defiance of the fear-based culture that politicians and the media have been spreading for months.

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The United States of America is the only nation in human history established by (mostly) Christian people upon 2,000 years of Christian thought--including being formed as a direct result of the Protestant Reformation--and God's Natural Law princi

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Childrens Health Defense

Earlier this week, Polly Tommey and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. kicked off the new CHD Channel on Peeps TV with a lively discussion on a wide range of relevant topics in the health freedom movement.

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Jacob Hornberger - FFF

If all that we libertarians succeed in doing is modifying, reforming, or improving infringements on freedom, the most we will have achieved is an improvement in our condition as serfs living under America's welfare-warfare-state way.