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World News

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Daily Mail

It could hardly be said to be the most dignified of send-offs. Undertakers in Belgium plan to eschew traditional burials and cremations and start dissolving corpses instead. The move is intended to tackle a lack of burial space and environmenta

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Yahoo News

The largest Russia-U.S. spy swap since the Cold War appeared to be in motion Thursday, with a Russian convicted of spying for the United States reportedly plucked from a Moscow prison and flown to Vienna.

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In an espionage drama worthy of the Cold War, Russia wants a spy swap to return home its suspected agents arrested in the United States last month, a lawyer involved in the affair said. The swap plans include exchanging a Russian nuclear expert jaile

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Suspicions a US submarine accidentally sunk a French fishing boat, killing 5 sailors, will be investigated by magistrates, a French appeal court ruled. The Bugaled Breizh sank mysteriously in the English Channel in January, 2004, a day before NATO fo

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AP (video)

There was no clue in the court papers unsealed about how successful the agents had been, but they were alleged to have been long-term, deep cover spies. Among them were four couples living in suburbs of New York, Washington and Boston.

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Last month, we gave you SHR's take on the oil spill. Now he's back with part 2 of the discussion. He will be referencing his recent thread (below) Discussion Video In case you missed

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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Speaking Truth, Loving Freedom, Murray Rothbard has triumphed, says Lew Rockwell. / Collapse of the Dollarzone, Peter Schiff on the phantom recovery, and worse. / Governments Hate Gold, We should love it. Article by Ron Paul.

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Justice vs. Government Lies - Judge Andrew Napolitano on the Articles of Confederation, Lincoln, Austrian economics, and more. / Rules for Libertarian Childrearing - Ron and Carol Paul / Government Desperate: Gold Tax Imminent?

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Farm Wars

Think that the current Gulf oil gusher is a unique problem? Think again. The same thing happened in 1979. All of the same techniques to stop it that BP is using now were used back then, and guess what? They didn’t work then either.
