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World News

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Keith Thomson and Cryptome

Cryptome was interviewed by telephone today by Keith Thomson, a reporter for The Huffington Post. After a bit of palaver Keith said a confidential source claimed a Chinese spy agency had given Wikileaks $20 million. What did Cryptome think about that

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A Toronto judge has struck down Canada’s prostitution laws, saying provisions meant to protect women and residential neighbourhoods are endangering sex workers’ lives.

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North Korea's ailing leader Kim Jong-il has named his youngest son as a military general marking the first stage of a dynastic succession. It was the first time the 20-something Kim Jong-un had been mentioned by name in the North's media, and his app

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BBC News

Det Sgt Allan Orr of the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency will tell delegates that the illicit tobacco trade was not a victimless crime. He said those behind it were often involved in drug dealing and human trafficking.

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Richard Silverstein

Maj. Gen. Yuri Ivanov, deputy head of Russian intelligence service known as GRU, died in Syria recently. Speculation is rampant that he was assassinated. He had been staying in the northwestern Syrian resort of Tartous when he disappeared, with his

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An emerald so large it's being compared with the crown jewels of Russian empress Catherine the Great was pulled from a pit near corn rows at a North Carolina farm. The nearly 65-carat emerald its finders are marketing by the name Carolina Emperor

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Terrence Aym

As Barack Obama runs America into the ground, Vladimir Putin continues to pull Russia from the ashes of the former Soviet Union. The two men’s styles and principles could not be farther apart. A leader like Putin is what America needs, not a warmed-o

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Detectives searching for a missing British spy said Wednesday they had launched a murder investigation after a body matching the man's description was discovered stuffed in a bag in his apartment near the headquarters of the MI6 spy agency.

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Daily Telegraph

The number of people in Britain seized under the controversial "no-evidence-needed" European Arrest Warrant rose by more than 50% last year. They can spend long periods in jail for crimes which are not crimes in Britain.

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The Daily Beast

Traveling through Pakistan with his television crew, Jonathan Miller uncovers the truth about a slow-moving disaster—and argues why we should care. I was sitting in the front seat of our four-wheel drive when, last week, two women wearing burqas appr

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