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World News

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Britain offered its first public accounting of its nuclear arsenal Wednesday, disclosing that it has a stockpile of 225 warheads in a move that offers transparency to non-nuclear states in hope of winning stricter global controls on the spread of ato

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Nations Will Print Money, Go Bust, Go to War…We're Doomed - Nullifying Tyranny - Coercive Edicts Can't Solve Social Problems - Harry Browne on civil rights and the growth of government - Gun Control Insanity - The Big Gold Rally Beckons

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Raw Story

South Korea Monday halted trade with North Korea as part of a package of reprisals for the sinking of one of its warships, drawing strong US support but threats of attack from the communist state.

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A U.S.-born cleric who has encouraged Muslims to kill American soldiers called for the killing of U.S. civilians in his first video released by a Yemeni offshoot of al-Qaida, providing the most overt link yet between the radical preacher and the terr

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A renegade army general accused of leading a paramilitary force among Thailand's Red Shirt protesters was shot in the head Thursday as he spoke with foreign reporters on a street near a downtown Bangkok subway station. A second person was shot in

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Senior administrators of the European Union proposed on Wednesday that they be given unprecedented power to scrutinize the spending plans of countries before national parliaments vote on those budgets. The EU's executive commission's bid was a m

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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Every Decent Man Is Ashamed of the Government He Lives Under - US Government Bonds Are Junk - One Thing You Can Say About Jesse Ventura - Politicians Lie to You About the Economy - The Truth About Elena Kagan - The Welfare State Is Through

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Dan Freire

An essay by Dan Freire explores the subculture of japanese skinheads. The Japanese skinheads are a group not unlike the skinheads found in America they believe in the superiority of their race and dislike foreigners especially immmigrants. Cosplay

News Link • Global Reported By Concerned Patriot
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Weeks after the 1-year-old was found in a dumpster, his father showed up. The baby wriggled in his cot, smiled and held up his arms. When the father didn't touch him, the baby started to cry and kick his legs. The man left moments after he arrived, n

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You're Being Told Lies - Decentralist Revolt - The Worst Enemy of Black Americans - A Ron Paul Home School Curriculum - What I Learned in Afghanistan - Shorts, Longs, Gold, Commodities, Currencies - The Best Guide to Expatriation

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Diarrhea death? It would be funny I suppose(in a morbid sort of way) if it weren't so serious. Diarrhea claims the lives 1.5 million kids annually. That is more than AIDS, malaria and measles combined. Combined people! and yet no one talks about h

News Link • Global Reported By Concerned Patriot
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The Guardian

The European commission warned the British budget deficit would swell this year to become the biggest in the European Union, overtaking even Greece putting the UK budget deficit at 12% of GDP – the highest in the European Union and worse than Treasur

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Tehran Times

An international trade court ordered Britain to pay Iran $650 million for failing to deliver some 1,300 tanks after Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was toppled in the 1979 Islamic revolution, officials said.

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The Sociopathic Dance of Politics by Butler Shaffer / Seven More States Join the Gun Fight / Arts and Crafts for Survival / No Takers at the Foreclosure Auction / Spy vs. Spy - Intrigue between the CIA and Israel
