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Brad Friedman

It has now been over a week since the video tape and transcript from the remarkable 8/8/09 deposition of former FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds was publicly released. Previously, the Bush Administration invoked the so-called “state secrets privilege” in order to gag Edmonds, in attempting to keep such information from becoming public.  

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Freedom Fighter

Is anyone asking why it seems like many of the recent cases of H1N1 cases are in the public schools? This phenomena is not isolated to the United States. A pattern seems to be developing as reflected in the recent outbreaks at public schools and Universities.

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Washington Post

The creator of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program boasted in a recent television interview that he and other senior Pakistani officials, eager to see Iran develop nuclear weapons, years ago guided that country to a proven network of suppliers and helped advance its covert efforts. A.Q. Khan, whom Washington considers the world's most ambitious proliferator of nuclear weapons technology, told a television interviewer in Karachi, Pakistan, that if Iran succeeds in "acquiring nuclear technology, we will be a strong bloc in the region to counter international pressure. Iran's nuclear capability will neutralize Israel's power." Although Khan has previously claimed nationalist and religious justifications for helping to spread sensitive technology, several experts said his latest statement was an unusually direct claim of broad, official Pakistani support for an Iranian nuclear weapon.

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Monsters and Critics

Moscow - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will arrive in Russia to conduct a new arms deal Wednesday, according to the news agency Interfax. Venezuela is planning to buy three diesel-powered submarines, several armoured personnel carriers and type T-72 tanks and ten military helicopters, said the report, quoting officials from the Russian arms industry. Caracas also wanted to invest in coastal missile defences.

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International Advocates for Health Freedom

I expressed the view that Oathkeepers should be providing real leadership on this issue to the American people since this weaponized swine flu threat is the biggest threat confronting our nation today. Its clearly totally in our faces with a massive media barrage to try to condition us all to take it.  

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The Register

In years to come, the secret supertroopers of SOCOM may be able to cause a cell tower to stop working, a vehicle’s fuel tank to suddenly explode, or a single person to inexplicably be incinerated - all completely silently and tracelessly, without anyone knowing they were ever there and not so much as a spent bullet left behind.  

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The British-designed vessel travels at almost 100mph, carries a retractable heavy machine gun and would not look out of place in a 007 film. With a maximum speed of 85 knots (97mph) and carrying a .50 calibre machine gun hidden under the deck, the boat will be able to overhaul “go-fast” drug smuggling boats in the Caribbean and pirate ships off the coast of Somalia.

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McClatchy News

Detailed polling records released by an Afghanistan election commission reveal numerous polling places in Kandahar Province where all the votes were delivered to a single candidate — incumbent President Hamid Karzai.

The records bolster the case of ballot-box stuffing during the Aug. 20 election to pick a new president to lead Afghanistan, which is now struggling against an increasingly powerful Taliban insurgency.


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Freedom Fighter Radio

The Ruling Elite enjoy themselves watching Americans fighting over the crumbs from the table of power like starved dogs! Stop acting like starving dogs and realize they are laughing at us all because they know the truth: There is no choice in this country. There is a power in this country that controls both sides of the debate in all arenas: political, media, social, and economic.

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However, the summit threw out French and German proposals that each banker's bonus pot should be limited, in a decision which will be welcomed by City banks. The Financial Stability Board, an international grouping of regulators, has been tasked with devising detailed rules over bonus structures between now and the main summit. Some suspect it may go so far as to dictate certain percentages of a bank's profits which are allowed to be put towards bankers' bonuses.However, experts have warned that the crackdown will be extremely difficult to impose.

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Wall Street Journal

The White House is facing mounting pressure from lawmakers to work harder to rally flagging public support for the war in Afghanistan.With casualties rising, the administration is struggling to persuade voters that the war can be won or is worth the human and financial costs.

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This is an actual call placed to a Pharmacy asking about the Flu Shot! This call was made in Feb 2009 at the top of the Flu Season! Hear what these, so called, professionals had to say when the sheep start to ask questions.  

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These PDF files are hosted on the Centers for Disease Control website. I’ve dumped the unformatted text from the documents below.What and where are the detention quarantine secure facilities?