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World News

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Denver Post

The number of cadets with confirmed cases of the swine flu at the Air Force Academy has increased to 67.The academy said Monday that a total of 121 incoming freshmen with flu-like symptoms are being kept in dorms, away from other cadets.

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Recently the Obama oligarchy has opined that we all must learn more about slavery in past years - we would like to help. We also must ask why our present government wants to use the modern version of slave laws to control Americans. We do not expect an answer, but we will keep asking, as should you.  

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Raw Story

A group of doctors in the UK are mounting a legal and political campaign to overturn the suicide verdict in the death of a British doctor who was found dead shortly after exposing falsehoods about the justification for the Iraq war.  

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Operation Rescue

The latest polls show that the majority of Americans now identify themselves as “pro-life” and especially oppose abortions done after the first trimester of pregnancy. Judge Sotomayor’s views on abortion and rule of law are out of step with the American people

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[NIS to kidnap Justice Ginsburg's doctor?] North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has pancreatic cancer and the illness is life-threatening, South Korean broadcaster YTN said based on information gathered by Chinese and South Korean intelligence sources.

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Pam Schuffert

FEMA is NOT here to primarily HELP YOU. Under a full state of MARTIAL LAW, FEMA is here to send you to their DETENTION CAMPS to sort out WHO SHALL LIVE AND WHO SHALL DIE.We are all on a Red or Blue list somewhere, those on the red list will be woken at 4am and taken to the camps and probably killed.

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New York Post

Creeps who swiped a Lady Liberty replica from outside Brooklyn coffee and book shop last month have posted a sick Web video showing them sawing off the statue’s blindfolded head.  

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Miami Herald

Florida’s surgeon general says the state is preparing for massive swine flu immunizations, starting with schoolchildren, as the Obama administration urges states to prepare for the likelihood that the virus might worsen in the fall.  

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  This is a visit from our most frequent visitor to our site,the Trilateral Commission. They come to our site dozens of times a day and this is just one of many numerous visit from them. Further Trialogue and other official writings made clear their stated goal of creating a “New International Economic Order.” President George H.W. Bush later and now Obama have talked openly about creating a “New World Order”, which has since become a synonymous phrase.

It is clear that the Executive Branch of the U.S. was literally hijacked in 1976 by members of the Trilateral Commission, upon the election of President Jimmy Carter and Vice-President Walter Mondale. This near-absolute domination, especially in the areas of trade, banking, economics and foreign policy, has continued unchallenged and unabated to the present.

Windfall prof

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It sounds like something from a science fiction movie: Sensors are surgically inserted in the brain to understand what you’re thinking. Machines that can speak, move or process information — based on the fleeting thoughts in a person’s imagination.

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Police on Tuesday fired tear gas to disperse thousands of Han Chinese protesters armed with makeshift weapons and vowing revenge, as chaos gripped this flashpoint city riven by ethnic tensions. Authorities ordered a night curfew and thousands of heavily armed police deployed across Urumqi, the capital of China's remote northwest Xinjiang region. But tensions spiked dramatically following weekend clashes that claimed at least 156 lives. Authorities said they had arrested 1,434 suspects, accusing them of murder, assault, looting and burning during attacks by Muslim Uighurs against the Han, China's dominant ethnic group who are seen in Xinjiang as oppressors. But despite the security clampdown involving police with submachine guns, shotguns and batons, mobs of Han Chinese marched through Urumqi -- with many wielding bricks, chains and poles and bent on reprisals against Uighurs. "The Uighurs came to our area to smash things, now we are going to their area t

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American Resistance Movement

This confidential US Special Forces (7th, US Southern Command), briefing dated 17 May 2009 was created for Florida Congressman Miller. Although unclassified, it specifies a For Official Use Only (FOUO) distribution restriction.On page 7 of the document, it is proudly proclaimed that the 7h Special Forces Group has conducted missions in every Latin American country.  
