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World News

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Freedom Fighter Radio

This is an EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT to stop S.1261, The Pass Act which is worse than Real ID. We need to contact all the members of the Senate Committee for Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to kill this before it gets to the Senate floor.  

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Danger Room

The project, known as the “Chip-Scale High Energy Atomic Beams” program, is an effort aimed at working on the core technologies behind a tiny particle accelerator, capable of firing subatomic particles at incredible speeds. It’s part of a larger Darpa plan to reduce all sorts of devices to microchip-scale  

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Investigators are now asking for the public’s help in finding the person who threw it inside the church.Someone kicked in a glass door on the side of the building then tossed the pipe bomb inside shortly after ten Saturday night  

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Another opportunity has been missed again to warn Americans on a clear and present danger of how the Global Elite aided and abetted by our wicked leaders and Obama.The Tea Parties that occurred this past Saturday July 4, 2009 had a perfect opportunity to warn America of the below information, They knew of this yet ignored this chance to get the word out on a massive scale. Of the enemies of America plans to do the following.

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News Tribune

The long hours. The blistering heat. And, of course, constantly having to come up with new ways of harassing the Missouri National Guardsmen training in the area.Such was the case for several members of the headquarters detachment of the 229th Multifunctional Medical Battalion.  

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Scott Wagner

The fear on the street is palpable. Ever since the election of Barack Obama as President of these United States in November 2008, coupled with the election of a democrat party majority in both the U.S. House and Senate, concern for the United States and personal safety has ignited like a fire in dry grass.

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Thousands of casinos, slot-machine parlors and betting halls across Russia shut down, complying with sweeping new restrictions that require all gambling business to relocate to four remote regions of the country.

The law put 400,000 people out of work at a time when Russia's economic crisis is deepening and unemployment is rising.