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World News

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As Thailand's ailing 81-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej begins the second month of a hospital stay Monday, his countrymen are wondering just how sick he really is. Concern for his well-being reflects the reverence and affection the Thai public ho

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Market Skeptic

Earlier this week, I wrote about possible “incongruities” in the gold bar registry of GLD.Specifically, here is what has happened to the GLD bar list which is published each Friday at approximately 4:30 pm EST.

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Economic Policy Journal

At that meeting:In a private conversation, I asked Goehl what he thought of Ron Paul's bill to audit the Fed. Without hesitating he said, "I think it's great". Goehl seems to be influenced by William Grieder. He told me they are planning a mass rally

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The Observer

London's Olympic Park construction site is to be turned into a "virtual fortress" protected with state-of-the-art biometric security measures that will allow only scanned workers into the compound. Machines capable of hand and iris recognition

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Russia Today

The ship that came to global attention after disappearing in mysterious circumstances is now in the Mediterranean and being refused permission to dock anywhere. Its crew is struggling to survive with little water.

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China has cautioned U.S. legislators against intervening in China's domestic affairs, specifically in Tibet, Xinhua reported. The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, on Tuesday received a U.S. Congress award in honor of the late U.S. human rig

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Economic Policy Journal has put out a bit of background information on Robert Fisk, the reporter who sent gold soaring and the dollar crashing as a result of his column reporting secret meetings between the Chinese, Arabs and Russians. They are supposedly meeti

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When Venezuela's Mining Minister Rodolfo Sanz walked into a televised Cabinet meeting this week, President Hugo Chávez impishly asked, "So how's the uranium for Iran going? For the atomic bomb." Chávez was joking, but few were laughing outside Caraca

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Russia Today

A huge statue of Bill Clinton is being unveiled in the heart of Kosovo’s capital city. He’s celebrated there as the man who ordered NATO’s offensive against Serbia in 1999.For Kosovo Albanians, the former American president is a hero, who sanctioned

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Campaign for Liberty/Lew Rockwell

One failed resurrection of the old hockey stick prop, one "scientist" using thin data, and one entire research unit destroying what should have been secured are distasteful scandals that couldn't have erupted at a worst time for global warming alarmi

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I thought that this was a hoax, and that, if I left it alone for an hour, all the media will have to admit that they got punked by 4chan or something similar… Nope. It’s real.

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China pledged to strengthen bonds with isolated North Korea on Monday, calling their relationship a boon to peace, while reports of swoops on North Korean ships underscored strains behind a recent easing of tension.

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Hundreds of striking workers forced U.S. auto maker General Motors Co [GM.UL] to shut its Thai assembly plant on Monday, company and union officials said, raising the stakes in a pay dispute with management.

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Swiss authorities rejected on Tuesday an appeal by lawyers for Roman Polanski, arrested in September after fleeing America in 1978 from an underage sex charge, to release the film director from prison.

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