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World News

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Hibernating for some 60 good years, the world’s oldest solar panel built by a British science teacher has come out of the standby mode. Antique dealer Fred Nickson unveiled it at yesterday’s Antiques for Everyone show at Birmingham’s NEC. Still in wo

News Link • Global Reported By Veljko Rauski
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Maoist rebels launched a series of devastating attacks on paramilitary forces patrolling the forests of eastern India, killing at least 75 troops in the deadliest strike against the government in the 43-year insurgency. The attack, which came amid a

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Yet the improvements, seven years after the end of a 14-year civil war which shattered the country's infrastructure, have had little impact on the lives of ordinary Monrovia residents, who remain mired in extreme poverty and 80 percent unemployment.

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N. Korea's military threatened S. Korea and the US with "unprecedented nuclear strikes" as it expressed anger that the 2 countries are preparing for possible instability in the totalitarian country, a scenario it dismissed as a "pipe dream."

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By Mark Perry,

On Jan. 16, two days after a killer earthquake hit Haiti, a team of senior military officers from the U.S. Central Command (responsible for overseeing American security interests in the Middle East), arrived at the Pentagon to brief Joint Chiefs of S

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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Peter Joseph, Zeitgeist Movement

“Zeitgeist Day”, or ZDAY for short, is an annual, global event day which occurs in the middle of March, each year. The goal is to increase public awareness of The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project.

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NY Times

Myanmar's military regime unveiled on Friday the last of its election laws, which detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has described as unjust and repressive. The laws bar the Nobel Peace laureate from running for office or even voting in p

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Police clashed with stone-throwing youths in Athens as tens of thousands of strikers protested against draconian cutbacks aimed at pulling Greece out of a debt crisis shaking the euro zone. In one central square hundreds of protesters hurled sticks a

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ROME — The brother of Pope Benedict XVI has told a newspaper he is willing to testify in the sex scandal rocking Germany's Catholic Church, even though he says he knows nothing about the alleged abuse of boys in a choir he later led. The Rev. Georg

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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While German authorities are seeking to break the Catholic Church's “wall of silence” on child molestation, Catholic reformers turn to Pope Benedict XVI for answers. Sexual abuse of child pupils at several German Catholic schools, including a mo

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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By Jon Herskovitz,

(Reuters) - North Korea said on Sunday it will bolster its atomic arsenal and was no longer bound by the cease fire that ended the Korean War due to joint U.S.-South Korean military drills, which start this week. The comments come just days after a s

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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A combination of geography, comparative wealth and disaster readiness is why Chile's massive earthquake won't come close to Haiti's calamitous toll even though it was much stronger, experts say. Saturday's 8.8-magnitude quake, the seventh most

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Turkish police detained 50 military commanders planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the Islamic-rooted government. The nationwide sweep highlighted the ongoing struggle between the secular establishment an
