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World News

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I'm Nidal Tahrir, from Black Flag, a small group of Anarcho-Communists in Egypt. The world is watching Egypt, and even moving in solidarity. However, due to the internet being cut, information was difficult to find. Can you tell me about what has hap

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Egypt's embattled regime announced Monday a 15 percent raise for government employees in an attempt to shore up its base and defuse popular anger amid ongoing protests demanding President Hosni Mubarak's ouster. The Cabinet decision follows earlie

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NY Times

The country’s newly named vice president, Omar Suleiman, and other top military leaders were discussing steps to limit Mr. Mubarak’s decision-making authority and possibly remove him from the presidential palace in Cairo — though not to strip him of

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For three days, the geeks and online activists and DIY filmmakers protested peacefully here in Tahrir Square. For three nights, they slept in tents with their laptops by their sides and kept their mobile phones charged by hacking into one of Tahrir’s

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Pro-Mubarak supporters stormed Tahrir Square earlier today in a violent confrontation with anti-government protesters who want the Egyptian president to resign. The violence, which occurred shortly after President Mubarak gave a speech on Egyptian te

News Link • Global Reported By The Real News
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Free Patriot Press

Mass protests recently broke out in North Africa and the Middle East, with the protests in Tunisia & Egypt garnering more coverage than those in Jordan & Yemen. Yet protests in all four of these countries are bringing about the change that the people

News Link • Global Reported By Darryl W. Perry